
1.0.4 • Public • Published


Data fetching utility class with simple caching support

git clone https://mtsweb@dev.azure.com/mtsweb/oss/_git/fetch


This package is distributed via npm. You can install it as a dependency in your project by running:

yarn add @micheldever/fetch


After creating a new instance of the FetchClient, you can fetch data using the fetch method:

import { FetchClient } from '@micheldever/fetch';

const client = new FetchClient();
const data = await client.fetch('https://api.example.com/data');

The fetch method returns a Promise that resolves with the fetched data.

Caching Responses

FetchClient can cache responses to avoid unnecessary network requests. To enable caching, you need to provide a StorageEntity when creating the FetchClient:

import { FetchClient } from '@micheldever/fetch';
import { MemoryStorageAdapter } from '@micheldever/storage/adapters';
import { StorageEntity } from '@micheldever/storage';

const client = new FetchClient(new StorageEntity(new MemoryStorageAdapter()));
const data = await client.fetch('https://api.example.com/data', { key: ['query'], ttl: 3600000 });

In this example, the response will be cached for 3600000 milliseconds (1 hour). If you fetch the same URL with the same query key within this time, FetchClient will return the cached response instead of making a new network request.

Invalidating the Cache

You can invalidate a cached response using the invalidateCache method:

await client.invalidateCache(['query']);

Static fetch

For simple data fetching that doesn't require caching you can use the static fetch method:

const data = FetchClient.fetch('https://api.example.com/data');

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  • hwll