
0.2.42 • Public • Published

💾 @mirai/locale

A locale-based formatting library.

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Price formatter based on the currency and the locale.

An additional 'fancy' format option allows to shorten large numbers:

12 500 --> 12.5k
12 500 000 --> 12.5M

This method receives as a parameter an object with following properties:

  • currency currency ISO code ('EUR' by default)
  • fancy a boolean indicating if fancy format should be applied (optional, 'false' by default)
  • locale locale string ('es-ES' by default)
  • symbol a boolean that indicates if we show the symbol of the given currency meanwhile its length is no more than 2 chars, or 1 char if fancy is true (optional, 'false' by default)
  • value the amount to be formatted (0 by default)
  • ...others in the case we want extend the Intl.NumberFormat object.
import { currencyFormat } from '@mirai/locale';

const price = currencyFormat({ currency: 'EUR', fancy: true, locale: 'es-ES', value: 12350 });
>> '12,3k €'


This method allows to add to/ subtract from a date a number of days, months or years and returns a Date object. Parameters to be provided:

  • value a Date object with initial date
  • amount number of days/months/years to be added/subtracted (0 by default)
  • context units to be added/subtracted ('days'(default)/ 'months' / 'years')
import { dateCalc } from '@mirai/locale';

console.log(dateCalc(new Date(2022, 3, 28), 7, 'days'));
>> Thu Apr 28 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)


This method calculates the duration of period between 2 dates and returns an object with years, months and days. Parameters to be provided:

  • from a Date object with start date
  • to a Date object with end date
import { dateDiff } from '@mirai/locale';

const newDate = dateDiff(new Date(2022, 2, 28), new Date(2023, 2, 28));
>> { years: 1, months: 12, days: 365 }

In case that the value of from is greater than to, the difference will be negative.


Locale-based date formatter receiving the following parameters:

  • value a Date object with date to be formatted
  • Second parameter is a object containing:
    • locale locale string ('es-ES' by default)
    • delimiter delimiter type ('/' by default)
    • format a string with target date format (e.g. 'DD/MM/YYYY')
    • options a configuration object specifying the formats of weekday, year, month and day
import { dateFormat } from '@mirai/locale';

const today = dateFormat(new Date(), { locale: 'en-DB', weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' });
>> 'Friday, 15 April 2022'

const anotherDate = dateFormat(new Date(2022, 4, 15), { delimiter: '-', format: 'DD-MM-YYYY' });
>> '15-04-2022'


This method returns a format string corresponding to locale passed as parameter:

  • locale locale string ('es-ES' by default)
import { getDateFormat } from '@mirai/locale';

const defaultFormat = getDateFormat()
const usFormat = getDateFormat('en-US')
const arabicFormat = getDateFormat('ar');
>> 'YYYY/M/D'


This method checks if the parameter received is a valid Date object:

  • value to be checked
import { isDate } from '@mirai/locale';

const isDateObject = isDate(new Date(2023, 3, 28));
>> true

const isDateObj = isDate('some string');
>> false


This method converts a date string into a Date object. Parameters to be provided:

  • value a date string
  • format a string with applied format
import { parseDate } from '@mirai/locale';

console.log(parseDate('28/04/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY'));
>> Thu Apr 28 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)


This method receives a dictionary and a key, and return the value for this key. Supports bindings (passed in arguments) in many ways:

  • simple binding. In the value of dictionary you can have a binding like {language} and the method replace the binding for the value passed like binding in arguments.
import { translate } from '@mirai/locale';

const dictionary = {
  'hello.world': 'I love {language}',
  'select.boolean': 'I love {isCompiled, select, true {python} other {php}}',
  'exist.language': '{numLanguages, plural, =1 {Exist # language}  other {Exists # languages}}',
const key = { id: 'hello.world' };
const bindings = { language: 'python' };

translate({ dictionary, key, bindings });
>> 'I love python';
  • select binding. In the value of dictionary you can have a binding like 'I love {isCompiled, select, true {python} other {php}}' and the method, select the option that corresponds with the binding value. This binding value can be a boolean or a number.
const key = { id: 'select.boolean' };
const bindings = { isCompiled: false };

translate({ dictionary, key, bindings });
>> 'I love php';
  • plural binding. In the value of dictionary you can have a binding like {numLanguages, plural, =1 {Exist # language} other {Exists # languages}} and the method select the option that corresponds with the number that have the binding value. And also replace the text that have the character '#' for the number that have the binding value.
const key = { id: 'exist.language' };
const bindings = { numLanguages: 1 };

translate({ dictionary, key, bindings });
>> 'Exist 1 language';

Also supports HTML syntax in the value of dictionary.


This method receives a date object as a parameter and converts it to UTC standard:

  • value Date object to be converted
import { UTC } from '@mirai/locale';

const todayUTC = UTC(new Date(2022, 2, 28)) >> '2022-03-28T00:00:00.000Z';

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  • mirai