
0.0.4 • Public • Published


Aggressive minifying tools to reduce bundle size.


$ npm install @mizchi/optools -D 
# or use directly
$ npx @mizchi/optools analyze-dts -i lib/index.d.ts


Generate _analyzed.json by lib/index.d.ts

$ npx optools analyze-dts -i lib/index.d.ts -o _analyzed.json

and use this.

import {minify} from "terser";
import analyzed from "./_analyzed.json";

await minify({
  mangle: {
    properties: {
      // keep reserved properties
      reserved: analyzed.reserved,
      // minify everything except reserved!
      regex: /.*/,

Current optools analyze-dts is my first step in minifier using type info. In the future, I will examine more aggressive minification methods not only from the analysis of dts files, but also from the analysis of TypeScript source code.

What it is

  • Optool analyzes public interfaces from *.d.ts to use terser mangle properties (by rollup-plugin-dts).
  • Minify with analyzed reserved properties list by terser's mangle.properties.reserved and mangle.properties.regex: /.*/

Who is it beneficial to?

  • Library developper to reduce bundle
  • Performance-oriented frontend (for lighthouse today?)
  • Developers who are required to reduce build size (third party script developper)
  • If you have external effects like fetch() and postMessage, you need to declare external effect types.


You can not use optools with ...

  • Reflection
    • Eval: eval(...) or const directEval = eval; directEval()
    • Function: new Function(...)
    • .name: class MyClass{}; MyClass.name, function f(){}; f.name;
    • Dynamic properties: instance[dynamic as any]
  • SideEffect without type declarations
    • fetch(...)
    • postMessage()

If you have side effects, see HACK: Catch the external effects!

How to use - step by step

Generate .d.ts before bundle

Expected directories

_analyzed.json (in .gitignore)

Emit lib/*.d.ts by tsconfig.json (or put tsconfig.dts.json for this tool)

  "compilerOptions": {
    "rootDir": "src",
    "outDir": "lib",
    "declaration": true,
    "emitDeclarationOnly": true,

Analyze your public interfaces

Run optools analyzer-dts

 "scripts": {
    "analyze": "optools analyze-dts -i lib/index.d.ts -o _analyzed.json"

(Add _analyzed.json in your .gitignore)

Minify with your minifier and _analyzed.json

Use this with terser.

Example with rollup & @rollup/plugin-terser

// rollup.config.js
import terser from "@rollup/plugin-terser";
import analyzed from "./_analyzed.json" assert { type: "json" };

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...
      mangle: {
        properties: {
          regex: /^.*$/,
          reserved: analyzed.reserved


// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import analyzed from "./_analyzed.json";

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    // use terser: because esbuild does not support mangle properties builtins
    minify: "terser",
    terserOptions: {
      mangle: {
        properties: {
          regex: /^.*/,
          reserved: analyzed.reserved,

HACK: Catch the external effects!

optool analyze-dts can keep ESM interface but can not keep internal effects from intern, like fetch(...).

// index.ts
export type ExternalEffects = {
  // you can keep this keepMe
  keepMe: number;

Exported properties from entrypoint will be reserved.

with typed fetch to keep external effects

@mizchi/zero-runtime library can declare fetch types.

(But anything is fine as long as you export the type from entrypoint)

// src/fetch.ts
import type { TypedFetch } from "@mizchi/zero-runtime";
export const fetch = globalThis.fetch as TypedFetch<{
  "https://example.test": {
    "/send": {
      methodType: "POST",
      bodyType: {
        // you can keep this xxx
        xxx: number
      headersType: {
        // you can keep this Content-Type
        "Content-Type": "application/json"

Your entrypoint should include fetch types.

// add this
export type { fetch } from "./fetch"

optools analyze-dts will capture fetch() properties.

For react developper


See react example and with-wite example

Check with snapshots

Still worried? You can check mangling result with snapshot testings.

// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import analyzed from "./_analyzed.json";
import { minify } from "terser";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      name: "optools safety check",
      enforce: "post",
      async transform(code, id) {
        if (!process.env.OPTOOLS_CHECK) return;
        if (id.endsWith(".js")) {
          const result = await minify(code, {
            compress: false
            mangle: {
              module: true,
              properties: {
                regex: /^.*$/,
                reserved: analyzed.reserved,
          return result.code;

Put tests.

// src/fetch.test.ts
import { expect, test } from "vitest";
import type { JSON$stringifyT } from "@mizchi/zero-runtime";

const stringifyT = JSON.stringify as JSON$stringifyT;

test("keep send body", async () => {
  // In this case, fetch effects types includes `keepMe`
  const body = stringifyT({ keepMe: "hello" });

Run test twice with OPTOOLS_CHECK.

$ pnpm vitest --run # it creates __snapshot__
$ OPTOOLS_CHECK=1 pnpm vitest --run # should match with result with mangling


  • [ ] Cloudflare Support to check additional builtins
  • [ ] TypedFetch example more
  • [ ] MSW Examples
  • [ ] Keep function.name and class.name option

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  • mizchi