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Viem-based SDK to augment @morpho-org/blue-sdk with fetchers using a viem client.


npm install @morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem
yarn add @morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem

Getting Started

Augment blue-sdk entity classes with fetchers

Opt in classes augmentation to easily fetch an entire entity of the Morpho Blue & MetaMorpho ecosystem using viem:

// Granular, opt-in, per-entity class augmentation:
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/AccrualPosition";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/Holding";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/Market";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/MarketConfig";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/Position";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/Token";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/Vault";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/VaultConfig";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/VaultMarketAllocation";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/VaultMarketConfig";
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/VaultMarketPublicAllocatorConfig";

// Or full, opt-in class augmentation:
import "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment";

Fetch the config of a specific market

Leverage the MarketConfig class to fetch information on a given market's immutable configuration:

import { MarketId } from "@morpho-org/blue-sdk";
// /!\ Import AccrualPosition from the augmentation file (or simply import the file)
import { MarketConfig } from "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/MarketConfig";

const config = await MarketConfig.fetch(
  "0xb323495f7e4148be5643a4ea4a8221eef163e4bccfdedc2a6f4696baacbc86cc" as MarketId,
  client // viem client.

config.collateralToken; // e.g. 0x7f39C581F595B53c5cb19bD0b3f8dA6c935E2Ca0.

Fetch data of a specific market

Leverage the Market class to fetch information on a specific market:

import { Time } from "@morpho-org/morpho-ts";
import { MarketId } from "@morpho-org/blue-sdk";
// /!\ Import AccrualPosition from the augmentation file (or simply import the file)
import { Market } from "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/Market";

const market = await Market.fetch(
  "0xb323495f7e4148be5643a4ea4a8221eef163e4bccfdedc2a6f4696baacbc86cc" as MarketId,
  client // viem client.

// Or from a config, to fetch faster (skips fetching the config):
// const market = Market.fetchFromConfig(
//   config,
//   client // viem client.
// );

market.utilization; // e.g. 92% (scaled by WAD).
market.liquidity; // e.g. 23_000000n (in loan assets).
market.apyAtTarget; // e.g. 3% (scaled by WAD).

const accruedMarket = market.accrueInterest(Time.timestamp()); // Accrue interest to the latest's timestamp.

accruedMarket.toSupplyAssets(shares); // Convert supply shares to assets.

Fetch data on the position of a specific user on a specific market

Leverage the Position class to fetch the position of a user on a given market:

import { Time } from "@morpho-org/morpho-ts";
import { MarketId } from "@morpho-org/blue-sdk";
// /!\ Import AccrualPosition from the augmentation file (or simply import the file)
import { AccrualPosition } from "@morpho-org/blue-sdk-viem/lib/augment/Position";

const position = await AccrualPosition.fetch(
  "0xb323495f7e4148be5643a4ea4a8221eef163e4bccfdedc2a6f4696baacbc86cc" as MarketId,
  client // viem client.

// Or from a config, to fetch faster:
// const position = AccrualPosition.fetchFromConfig(
//   "0x7f65e7326F22963e2039734dDfF61958D5d284Ca",
//   config,
//   client // viem client.
// );

position.borrowAssets; // e.g. 23_000000n (in loan assets).
position.isHealthy; // e.g. true.
position.maxBorrowableAssets; // e.g. 2100_000000n (in loan assets).

const accruedPosition = position.accrueInterest(Time.timestamp()); // Accrue interest to the latest's timestamp.

position.borrowAssets; // e.g. 23_500000n (in loan assets).




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