React components for the Moser Labs suite of applications. Build on top of PrimeReact.
npm i primereact @moser-inc/moser-labs-react
Either load all component styles in your entry point, which may include unused styles:
// main.tsx
import '@moser-inc/moser-labs-react/style.css';
Or when using UnoCSS with a bundler like Vite, configure your content sources to include labs components to load only the styles that are used:
// uno.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss';
export default defineConfig({
content: {
pipeline: {
include: [
/(.*\/)primereact(.*)\.(c|m)?(js)(x?)$/, // primereact
/(.*\/)@moser-inc\/moser-labs-react(.*)\.(c|m)?(js)(x?)$/, // @moser-inc/moser-labs-react
/\.(vue|svelte|[jt]sx|mdx?|astro|elm|php|phtml|html)($|\?)/, // default
// App.tsx
import { LabsButton } from '@moser-inc/moser-labs-react';
const App = () => {
return (
<LabsButton>Moser Labs</LabsButton>