const Coinbase = require('@mozeyinedu/coinbase');
const coinbase = new Coinbase({accessToken})
const accessToken = process.env.ACCESSTOKEN;
async function run(){
// get current user (current user is the user whose accesstoken is used)
const res1 = await coinbase.user.getCurrentUser();
// get current user oauth
//const res2 = await coinbase.user.getCurrentUserOauth();
// get any user whose user_id is provided
//const res3 = await coinbase.user.getSelectedUser({user_id: '9da7a204-544e-5fd1-9a12-61176c5d4cd8'});
// get the oauth of any user whose user_id is provided
//const res4 = await coinbase.user.getSelectedUserOauth({user_id: '9da7a204-544e-5fd1-9a12-61176c5d4cd8'});
//get all accounts of the current user
//const res5 = await coinbase.account.getAccounts();
//get a selected account of the current uses
//const res6 = await coinbase.account.getAccount({account_id: '824afca5-6497-5a7e-a3e7-8b8cec1d22fa'});
// get all wallet addresses of a selected account
//const res7 = await coinbase.account.getWalletAddresses({account_id: '824afca5-6497-5a7e-a3e7-8b8cec1d22fa'});
// get the selected wallet addresse (using the address_id) of a selected account (note: a wallet can has more than one wallet addresses, hence this will you to select only the wallet address whose address_id is provided)
//const res8 = await coinbase.account.getSelectedWalletAddresse({account_id: '824afca5-6497-5a7e-a3e7-8b8cec1d22fa', address_id: "e1332f73-a490-5440-9cce-6c0488ad926d"});
// list all transactions
//const res9 = await coinbase.account.getTransactions({account_id: '824afca5-6497-5a7e-a3e7-8b8cec1d22fa'});
// list a transactions
//const res10 = await coinbase.account.getTransaction({account_id: '824afca5-6497-5a7e-a3e7-8b8cec1d22fa', transaction_id: "e1332f73-a490-5440-9cce-6c0488ad926d"});
//send coins to other wallet outside of coinbase
// provide the account_id of this user (user sending the coins, the owner of the accesstoken)
// provide the receiving's wallet address e.g {to: EGHkndcugkgjkjj5fgfgR}
// provide the amount in string e.g {amount: 0.1}
// provide the currency of the account e.g {currency: BTC}
// const res12 = await coinbase.account.send({account_id: '5f10e9e5-02a0-526a-a24a-7fa53a2b8fe1', address_id: "e1332f73-a490-5440-9cce-6c0488ad926d", amount: '0.1', currency: 'BTC'});