
0.1.9 • Public • Published


Single-page documentation generator for multi-versioned apps

Why another doc generator?

  • Inline documentation sucks
  • Mature apps/platforms need to maintain documentation for multiple versions, not just the bleeding edge release
  • Underscore.js documentation formatting rocks! Forced brevity begets simplicity.
  • Markdown is GitHub friendly, IDE friendly, and just plain awesome.
  • Documentation should be collaborative like a wiki, but GitHub wikis suck at controlled collaboration, so by extracting the documentation out to its own repo and using Continuous Deployment, we can have the best of both worlds.

Video Demo

Here's a video of Cassini in action


Here are some projects using Cassini to generate their documentation:

Using Cassini

Cassini is functional both as a CLI utility and a Node.js module:


$ npm install -g cassini
$ cassini -h

  Usage: cassini [options]


    -h, --help                      output usage information
    -V, --version                   output the version number
    -i, --input <dir>               Input directory.
    -o, --output <dir>              Output directory.
    -v, --verbose                   Print verbose output
    -t, --templates [templatePath]  Location of the template files.

$ ls -al src/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x   3 adam  staff   102 Aug 30 03:33 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 adam  staff   374 Aug 30 15:05 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 adam  staff  9808 Aug 30 12:00 2.0.0.md

$ cassini -i ./src -o ./bin -v
template path: /Users/adam/DEV/cassini/src/templates/default/
input files: [ '2.0.0.md' ]
filename: 2.0.0.md - version: 2.0.0
2.0.0 => 9808 bytes of Markdown
2.0.0 => 11863 bytes of HTML
writing bin/2.0.0/index.html

Node Module

Below is a script that I'm using to host cassini-generated documentation on Heroku. It uses cassini as a module to regenerate the HTML from the current markdown contents at startup; enabling continuous deployment of the documentation: Just commit/pull request/merge and push and let the deploy webhooks take care of the rest.

var express  = require('express')
   ,pkg      = require('./package.json')
   ,cassini  = require('cassini')
   ,path     = require('path')
   ,app      = express()

var port = process.env.PORT || 5000;

	.get('/', function(req,res){
		res.redirect(301, pkg.version+'/');

console.log('listening on port %s', port);

	inputDir: path.normalize(__dirname + '/src/')
	,outputDir: path.normalize(__dirname + '/bin/')
	,verbose: true

I'm hosting documentation with exactly the above code, for free, on Heroku. Take a look at the package.json and Procfile that bring it all together. All that remains is a CI/CD service. (I'm using drone.io)

cassini.generate options

  • inputDir: path to markdown files (not sure what it'll do with sub-directories...)
  • outputDir: path in which cassini should place HTML
  • verbose: print console messages
  • templatePath: custom handlebars templates (copy the default templates and customize)

Customizing Templates

I've baked in a spin on the Underscore.js documentation design, but that doesn't mean you have to use it. You can customize the templates to look however you like (within some constraints).

Copy the default (handlebars) templates into a templates folder in your project and customize to your liking.

Photo Credit

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute


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