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2.5.0 • Public • Published

OSC Object Model

This package provides an object model for Javascript / Typescript applications implementing the OSC protocol. It has primarily been developed for use with the X32/M32 and X-Air/M-Air series digital mixing consoles by Behringer®/Midas®, but it is mostly generic and intended to stay that way, so that it can be used for other purposes as well.

The package is written in TypeScript, so type declarations are available out of the box. The OSC model is defined using TypeScript classes, leveraging property decorators to provide some neat features. This leads to not only strongly-typed code, but also pretty good self-contained documentation of the object model.


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The object structure is composed of nodes. A node is a class which extends from Node. There is a generic Value class used to represent leaf nodes which contain some kind of value (usually a scalar, but you can get fancy if you want to); when the value changes, the node will emit an event. Another kind of leaf node is the Command node, which is stateless and just emits events when accessed.

Leaf nodes can be children of containers. A container is a class which extends from Container; it defines its children as decorated and typed properties. A special kind of container is a Collection, which is analogous to an indexed array of nodes.

One slightly unusual aspect of this library is that all methods and properties are either specified using Symbols, or prefixed with a $. This is needed to distinguish them from child properties of containers.

An example object model representing a smart lightbulb controller might look like this:

import { Container, Collection, Root, Command, StringValue, FloatValue, BooleanValue, Property, osc } from '@mxfriend/oscom';

export class IdentifyLightbulbCommand extends Command {
  $call(duration?: number): void {
    this.$emit('local-call', osc.compose('i?', duration), this);

export class Lightbulb extends Container {
  @Property on: BooleanValue;
  @Property intensity: FloatValue;
  @Property location: StringValue;
  @Property identify: IdentifyLightbulbCommand;

  constructor() {
    super(true); // #1

export class LightbulbCollection extends Collection<Lightbulb> {
  constructor() {
    super(() => new Lightbulb(), { size: 5, pad: 2 }); // #2

export class LightbulbController extends Root {
  @Property lightbulbs: LightbulbCollection;

This model will understand the following OSC addresses and arguments:

/lightbulbs/[01..05] <B> <f> <s>
/lightbulbs/[01..05]/on <B>
/lightbulbs/[01..05]/intensity <f>
/lightbulbs/[01..05]/location <s>
/lightbulbs/[01..05]/identify <i>

OSC calls and queries

The official OSC specification states that an OSC server defines a set of OSC methods (that is, addresses the server recognises) and leaves the semantics of calling the methods and returning results on the implementer. This particular implementation follows the convention used by the Behringer®/Midas® consoles it was designed to work with, which is that each individual node can be marked as callable, which has well-defined semantics for the existing node types:

  • A Value is always callable; it accepts exactly zero or one OSC argument. Calling a Value without specifying an argument is understood as querying its current value; when an argument is provided, it is understood as setting a new value.
    • E.g. calling /lightbulbs/03/location without any arguments would be interpreted as asking the controller for the location of lightbulb #3 and the controller would respond with e.g. /lightbulb/03/location "Bedroom"; calling /lightbulbs/03/location "Kitchen" would set lightbulb #3's location to "Kitchen".
  • A Command is always callable; the semantics of its arguments are completely implementation-dependent.
    • E.g. the IdentifyLightbulbCommand can be called with an optional duration argument to specify how long the lightbulb should blink.
  • A Container can be made callable by passing true as the first argument to its constructor (this is usually done by calling super(true) in derived classes' constructors, like shown on the line marked #1 in the above example). A callable container will forward calls to each of its children in the order they're defined in, until the first non-Value child is encountered (this is why the list of addresses above doesn't include an <i> at the end of the first line - the identify property of Lightbulb is a Command, not a Value). If a callable container is called with zero arguments, the results of the child calls are collected and returned to the caller; thus you can query the entire container. When a callable container is called with one or more arguments, each of its children will be passed a corresponding argument, until either a non-Value child is encountered, or there are no more arguments; this way you can set all (or part of) a container's child values in one call.
    • E.g. calling /lightbulbs/02 would cause the controller to respond with something like /lightbulbs/02 false 0.5 "Bathroom"; calling /lightbulbs/02 true 0.75 would turn the lightbulb on and simultaneously set its intensity to 75%. Calling /lightbulbs would produce no reaction because LightbulbCollection is not callable.

Local vs. Remote

The OSC model itself doesn't, and, in fact, shouldn't contain any complex behaviour. Its primary purpose is to represent an observable state and methods one can call on that state. All complex logic should be implemented in event listeners attached to the appropriate nodes. Typically, the model will be used to represent a local copy of the state, and it will be possible to mutate the state from both local code and from remote clients. This is why most events emitted by the model come in two flavours: local (representing events resulting from a local action) and remote (representing events resulting from an incoming OSC call). So e.g. the Value class emits either a local-change or a remote-change event, as opposed to a single shared change event. This allows for easier separation of logic which reacts to local events from logic which handles remote events, and, importantly, helps prevent trigger loops.

Container property definitions

The properties of the Lightbulb class are defined using a type declaration and the @Property decorator. Notice they don't have an initializer: the model is lazy and initializes the properties only when you first access them.

Using the @Property decorator is mandatory (unless another, more specific decorator is used) - since the order of object properties in JavaScript is undefined, we need the decorator (and the well-defined order in which decorators are executed) to be able to reliably determine the order of child properties in callable containers.

Node addresses are derived from the names of properties which contain them. This makes translation between the OSC addresses and object paths intuitive: to programmatically toggle the state of a lightbulb, you simply do something like:


Existing node types

  • Node: abstract class which only defines the bare necessities for the node tree to work
  • Value: abstract base class for value nodes, currently has several implementations included in the package, but you can create your own as needed:
    • StringValue
    • IntValue
    • FloatValue
    • BooleanValue
    • ScaledValue - represents a numeric value which is communicated using normalized floats in the range 0.0 - 1.0
    • EnumValue - represents an enum which is communicated using integer indices
  • Command: abstract base class for stateless command nodes
  • Container: abstract node which can be a parent to other nodes
  • Collection: abstract indexed container
  • Root: container class which monitors the node tree and builds up an internal lookup table for nodes based on their address

More to come

This is as far as I got today. I'll expand upon this someday, hopefully.. If you want to get going in the meantime, check out one of the MXFriend libraries which define object models for the Behringer®/Midas® consoles - e.g. @mxfriend/libmxair or @mxfriend/libmx32.

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  • jahudka