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0.1.2 • Public • Published


version CI

Cross-platform wrapper of aria2.

  • Download aria2 according to your platform
  • Web UI for aria2c (more features is working in progress)


npm i naria2 @naria2/node


It has included a prebuilt aria2 binary according to your architecture, so that there is no need to install a aria2 on your own.

npm i naria2 @naria2/node

You can use the createChildProcess API to spawn an aria2 child process, and connect to it in WebScoket under the hood.

import { createClient } from 'naria2'
import { createChildProcess } from '@naria2/node'

// Create a aria2 child process and initialize a client
const client = await createClient(createChildProcess())

// Start downloading a magnet
const torrent = await client.downloadUri('...')

// Watch metadata progress
await torrent.watch((torrent) => {
  console.log(`Downloading [MEATADATA]`)
// Watch torrent progress
await torrent.watchFollowedBy((torrent) => {
  console.log(`Downloading ${torrent.name}`)

// Shutdown client
await client.shutdown()

Due to the implementation of aria2, the downloading progress of a magnet uri includes two steps:

  1. Download the torrent metadata which contains only a special file named [METADATA];
  2. Download the torrent content itself.

So that, in the above code, you should first wait for downloading metadata, and then wait for downloading the followed by task which is the torrent content itself.

You can find an example using Node.js here.


You should close the client on your own, otherwise the aria2 process may not be killed even if your program finished or crashed.

See my blog post (in Chinese) or The Death of a Node.js Process (in English) on how to handle the exit of a Node.js process.

Support platforms

Pacakge Platform Arch
version darwin arm64
version darwin x64
version linux arm64
version linux x64
version win32 ia32
version win32 x64


MIT License © 2023 XLor

Dependencies (18)

Dev Dependencies (2)

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npm i @naria2/node

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  • yjl9903