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Nestify Cookie

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Library for convenient and dynamic cookies management for NestJS

A collection of decorators for cookies management. Decorators allow you to getter, setter and deleted cookies. Decorators support static cookies values, but there is also a mechanism for dynamic cookies values set.

Supported ExpressJS(@nestjs/platform-express) and FastifyJS(@nestjs/platform-fastify).


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Import decorators

To use decorators, you need to import a CookieModule, set an interceptor for your platform and set default options for cookies record.

Available Interceptors:

  • ExpressCookieInterceptor - interceptor for @nestjs/platform-express
  • FastifyCookieInterceptor - interceptor for @nestjs/platform-fastify
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CookieModule, ExpressCookieInterceptor, CookieSameSite } from '@nestifyjs/cookie';

  imports: [
    CookieModule.register(ExpressCookieInterceptor, {
      encode: String,
      decode: String,
      httpOnly: true,
      path: '/path',
      secure: true,
      signed: true,
      sameSite: CookieSameSite.Strict
export class AppModule {}

Module CookieModule is declared global(with @Global() decorator), it needs to be imported only into the AppModule of your application.

Use decorators

Getting Cookies

Use @GetCookies(name?: string) route parameter decorator to get cookies. Decorator will bind method parameter with Map instance containing all cookies.

import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { GetCookies } from '@nestifyjs/cookie';

export class AppController {
  public getCookieHandler(@GetCookies() cookie: Map<string, any>): string {
    const sid = cookie.get('sid') // get a cookie named sid
    return `Hello, you session ID is ${sid}`;

Or with value of a specific cookie.

export class AppController {
  public getCookieHandler(@GetCookies('sid') sid: string): string {
    return `Hello, you session ID is ${sid}`;

Setting Cookies

Use @SetCookies(staticCookies: Array<CookieSetRecord>) route handler method decorator to set cookies.

enum CookieSameSite {
  Strict = 'Strict',
  Lax = 'Lax',
  None = 'None'

interface CookieOptions {
  domain?: string
  encode: (value: string) => string
  decode: (value: string) => string
  expires?: Date
  httpOnly: boolean
  maxAge?: number
  path: string
  secure: boolean
  signed: boolean
  sameSite: CookieSameSite

interface CookieSetRecord {
  name: string
  value: string
  options?: Partial<CookieOptions>

Depending on the known name/value/options of the cookies before compilation, there are two ways to sets the cookie:

  1. Setting static cookies

    In @SetCookies decorator list values and options for the cookies you want to settings. For example:

import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { SetCookies } from '@nestifyjs/cookie';

export class AppController {
      name: 'cookie1',
      value: 'cookie1 value',
      options: { domain: 'example.com', path: '/index', maxAge: 3600000 },
      name: 'cookie2',
      value: 'cookie2 value'
  public setCookieHandler(): string {
    return `Set static cookies!`;

For each cookie, you can set individual options that will override the options specified when importing CookieModule(if they were identified). If an object with options is not set for a specific cookie, then global options will be used.

  1. Setting dynamic cookies

    To setting dynamic cookies, you must use the CookiesController. The router controller must be inherited from the Cookies Controller. CookiesController defines a method that can be called inside the route handler to configure cookies. Method signature:

public setCookie (request: any, name: string, value: any, options: Partial<CookieOptions> = {}): void

For example:

import { Request, Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CookieController } from '@nestifyjs/cookie';

export class AppController extends CookieController {
  public setCookieHandler(@Request() request: any): string {
    this.setCookie(request, 'dynamic', [ Math.random(), Math.random() ], {
      httpOnly: true,
      maxAge: 36000,

    return `Set dynamic cookies!`;

Removing Cookies

Cookies are deleted similar to setting them, except that you do not need to set a cookie value.

Web browsers and other compliant clients will only clear the cookie if the given options is identical to those given to @SetCookies decorator or CookieController.setCookie(), excluding expires and maxAge.

  1. Setting static cookies

    Use @RemoveCookies(staticCookies: Array<CookieRemoveRecord>) route handler method decorator to remove cookies.

interface CookieRemoveRecord {
  name: string
  options?: Partial<CookieOptions>

For example:

import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { RemoveCookies } from '@nestifyjs/cookie';

export class AppController {
      name: 'cookie1',
      value: 'cookie1 value',
      options: { domain: 'example.com', path: '/index', maxAge: 3600000 },
  public removeCookieHandler(): string {
    return `Remove cookies!`;
  1. Setting dynamic cookies

    Use CookieController.removeCookie() method to remove cookies.

public removeCookie (request: any, name: string, options: Partial<CookieOptions> = {}): void

For example:

import { Request, Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CookieController } from '@nestifyjs/cookie';

export class AppController extends CookieController {
  public removeCookieHandler(@Request() request: any): string {
    this.removeCookie(request, 'dynamic', {
      httpOnly: true,

    return `Remove cookies!`;


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  • kayun.artem