A checkbox that acts as a regular checkbox, but it has an indeterminate state.
Short example
status={ "Indeterminate" | "Unchecked" | "Checked" }
onChange={ e => console.log("New status: " + e.status) }
disabled={ this.supportsRegularInputAttributes === false }
JavaScript example (View on CodeSandbox)
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { IndeterminateCheckbox } from "@nixxquality/react-indeterminate-checkbox";
class Usage extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
checkbox: "Indeterminate"
this.updateCheckbox = this.updateCheckbox.bind(this);
render() {
// The IndeterminateCheckbox supports all the props that your everyday input element does!
return <div>
Super cool checkbox:
status={ this.state.checkbox }
onChange={ this.updateCheckbox }
<p>Status: { this.state.checkbox } ...checked: { this.state.checkbox === "Checked" ? "Yep" : "Nope" }</p>
updateCheckbox(e) {
// The IndeterminateChangeEvent is just a React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement> augmented with an extra field!
const stateUpdate = {};
stateUpdate[e.target.name] = e.status; // .status is the extra field - and it's the new checkbox state.
ReactDOM.render(<Usage />, document.getElementById("root"));
TypeScript example (View on CodeSandbox)
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { IndeterminateStatus, IndeterminateCheckbox, IndeterminateChangeEvent } from "@nixxquality/react-indeterminate-checkbox";
// IndeterminateStatus is available as a typesafe enum for the status variable
// IndeterminateChangeEvent is available as an extension of the React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>
// And of course, IndeterminateCheckbox is also typesafe as an extension of the input element
interface State {
[key: string]: IndeterminateStatus;
export class Usage extends React.Component<{}, State> {
public readonly state = {
checkbox: IndeterminateStatus.Indeterminate
public render() {
return <div>
Super cool checkbox:
status={ this.state.checkbox }
onChange={ this.updateCheckbox }
<p>Status: { this.state.checkbox } ...checked: { this.state.checkbox === IndeterminateStatus.Checked ? "Yep" : "Nope" }</p>
private updateCheckbox = (e: IndeterminateChangeEvent) => {
this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.status });
ReactDOM.render(<Usage />, document.getElementById("root"));