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nRF Cloud Location Services tests npm version

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Tests the nRF Cloud Location services

Configure these environment variables:

  • API_HOST (optional, endpoint to run the tests against)

Then run:

npm ci
npm run test

Authentication using Evaluation Token

For evaluation purposes, users can generate an evaluation token (see the nRF Cloud Location Services documentation for further information.)

evaluation-token-authentication.spec.ts demonstrates the usage of an evaluation token to authenticate requests.

For this test you need to configure the environment variable EVALUATION_TOKEN, which contains your nRF Cloud Location Service Evaluation Token.

Device Token Authentication

⚠️ Using REST with JWT on a cellular device is not recommended because this protocol (REST using TLS with JWT authentication) has a very large overhead. MQTT is recommended for cellular devices.

device-token-authentication.spec.ts demonstrates the usage of per-device tokens to authenticate requests.

The tests register a private key for a virtual device and use that key to sign a JWT.

For this test you need to configure the environment variable API_KEY, which contains your nRF Cloud REST API key.

Dependents (2)

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  • ken.redergard
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  • asset-tracker-cloud-ci
  • chfa.nordicsemi.no