npm install --save digit-ui-module-workbench
This Package is more specific to DIGIT-UI's can be used across mission's
After adding the dependency make sure you have this dependency in
then navigate to App.js
/** add this import **/
import { initWorkbenchComponents } from "@nudmcdgnpm/digit-ui-module-workbench";
/** inside enabledModules add this new module key **/
const enabledModules = ["workbench"];
/** inside init Function call this function **/
const initDigitUI = () => {
Add this configuration to enable this module MDMS Enabling Workbench Module
1 . Search Master Data > -Provides a screen based on Schema and renders the search result if data is present > -It also provides a dynamic filter based on which data can be filtered
2 . Add Master Data based on selected schema > -Provides a screen to add new master data according to the schema > -Provides a Dropdown if it has any referenced master
3 . Update Master data for selected data. > -View the master data from search screen > -Disable/Enable the master data if required > -Update the master data value except the unique-identifier field mentioned in the schema
4 . Localisation screens > -Provides a screen to search the localisation present in the environment > -Add new localisation > -Update existing localisation > -Bulk Upload of Localisation data
5 . MDMS UI Schema
6 . Data push for any API based on schema
1 . Assuming core module is already updated with 1.5.38+ and related changes were taken
2 . add the following hook method in micro-ui-internals/packages/libraries/src/hooks/useCustomAPIMutationHook.js
3 . add the following utility method in micro-ui-internals/packages/libraries/src/utils/index.js
const didEmployeeHasAtleastOneRole = (roles = []) => {
return roles.some((role) => didEmployeeHasRole(role));
4 . stylesheet link has to be added
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Reference commit for the enabling workbench
1.0.1 Fixes related to the limits
1.0.0 Workbench v1.0 release
1.0.0-beta workbench base version beta release
0.0.3 readme updated
0.0.2 readme updated
0.0.1 base version
Documentation Site ( Workbench Documentation(
DIGIT Frontend Repo (