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1.0.0-15 • Public • Published

NYCO Patterns Framework

Front-end stack, CLI, and cross-utility library for design systems. Created by NYC Opportunity for NYCO Patterns, ACCESS NYC Patterns, and Growing Up/Generation NYC Patterns.

  • 📦 Creates and organizes pattern source code using a design system methodology.
  • Manages Design Tokens through JavaScript configuration and shares them with Sass files.
  • 💅 Compiles Sass using node-sass and PostCSS.
  • 🗞 Bundles JavaScript ES using rollup.js.
  • 🗜️ SVG icon optimizer and sprite generator using svgo and svgstore-cli.
  • Generates a static site using slm-lang for documentation and development.
  • 🤓 Serves the local development environment using Express.js.
  • 🌈 CSS and JavaScript Framework agnostic; use Bootstrap, Tailwindcss, Svelte, React, or Vue (or none of them... or all of them).
  • 🚀 Scripts for publishing a pattern library to npm for integration in a digital product ecosystem.

Each major feature uses a configuration file for adding additional plugins and functionality. Additionally, this package can be extended with npm packages and custom npm scripts.



$ npm install @nycopportunity/patterns-framework --save-dev

$2 Copy the ./config directory into the root your pattern library.

$3 If you are using any of the optional dependencies used by the scripts in the ./config directory you will need to install them manually. If you do not want to use them they need to be removed from the config files in the ./config directory.

$4 Recommended. Add the following npm scripts to your Patterns Library;

"scripts": {
  "pttrn": "pttrn",
  "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development cross-env PORT=7070 concurrently \"pttrn default -w\" \"pttrn serve -w\" -p \"none\"",
  "default": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production pttrn default",
  "version": "npm run default && git add .",
  "prepublishOnly": "git push && git push --tags",
  "publish": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production pttrn publish"


Optional. Create an alias for the pttrn cli. If this step is not done, the npm script pttrn above can be used instead.

alias pttrn="./node_modules/.bin/pttrn"

$6 Make a pattern and configure rollup.js and node-sass to compile it;

pttrn make component accordion

Making Patterns

$6 Start the development server (assuming you've added the npm scripts above to your package.json) and writing code;

npm start

Development Server

$7 Version your library (assuming you've added the npm scripts above to your package.json)...

npm version {{ major/minor/patch }}

... then publish to npm for integration in other projects...

npm publish

NPM Scripts

The recommended npm scripts create shortcuts for using the cli.

Command Args Description
start This starts the Express.js development server, which uses Express to render the views in dist/. It also uses Concurrently to trigger --watch scripts for the default and serve commands. The NODE_ENV is set to development which affects the the styles compilation process by only compiling the global stylesheet.
run default Runs a one-off compilation of all assets to the distribution directory in production mode.
version major/minor/patch Runs the default script and creates a new release using npm's semantic versioning command.
publish Publish to the npm registry. This will run prepublishOnly and publish scripts in the recommended npm scripts above as well which push all tags to GitHub. Publishing requires running the version script before publishing.


Individal commands can be executed using the pttrn command which maps to this package's bin script. Avaliable commands can be seen below.

pttrn {{ command }}

Each script has corresponding configuration files in the config/ directory.


Command Configuration Optional Flags Description
default -w -n Lints files then asynchronously runs the scripts, styles, svg, and build scripts (detailed below).
serve -w -n Starts and Express app that serves the static files in the ./dist/ directory. By default it runs on port 7000 but this can be modified by the PORT environment variable.
make make.js Starts a survey prompt for creating a new pattern using templates defined in the configuration. Read the make command docs.
lint package.json Lints JS and Sass files in the ./src/ directory using the eslintConfig and stylelintConfig objects in the package.json file.
rollup rollup.js -w -n Runs Rollup.js, compiling pattern scripts defined in the configuration from ES Modules into CommonJS and/or iffe modules.
styles -w Syncronously runs the tokens, sass, and postcss scripts (detailed below).
tokens tokens.js -w -n Converts ./config/tokens.js into ./src/config/_tokens.scss.
sass sass.js Processes pattern Sass stylesheets defined in the configuration into CSS. If the NODE_ENV is set to "development" only the modules with the attribute devModule: true will be compiled.
postcss sass.js, postcss.js Runs PostCSS on Patterns CSS stylesheets defined in the ./config/sass.js into CSS. PostCSS plugins are defined in the configuration.
svgs -w -n Optimizes SVGS in the ./src/svg/ directory into the ./dist/svg directory and creates an svg sprite for library icons in the ./dist/icons.svg file.
slm tokens.js, slm.js -w Compiles Slm Lang files in ./src/views/ directory into static .html pages in the ./dist directory.
locals tokens.js, slm.js This isn't a CLI script but it exports the local variables for the slm-lang templates.
publish publish.js Publishes the ./dist directory to the gh-pages branch of the repository.


Flag Full Flag Description
-w --watch Use Nodemon to watch source files and rerun the command when changes are made.
-n --noisy Some commands use ShellJS to execute other command line tasks. By default, their native output is silenced by configuring ShellJS to execute commands silently. This will allow those commands to show their native output.


Some scripts, particularly sass, rollup, and publish require setting the NODE_ENV version to production or development in order to run. Patterns should be compiled in the production environment before publishing. The npm publish script will do this automatically.

NODE_ENV=production pttrn rollup

Optional dependencies

The following dependencies are optional as they are used by configuration files. If your pattern library uses them they will need to be added manually.


However, if you do not want to include them you will need to update the config files for PostCSS (config/postcss.js), Rollup.js (config/rollup.js), and alerts (config/alerts.js) by removing the required/imported dependencies and instances of their use in the file.


It's easiest to specify a version of the framework to update to as well as link the updated version.

npm install @nycopportunity/patterns-framework@{{ version }}

npm link @nycopportunity/patterns-framework@{{ version }}


If you are using nvm to manage versions of node, be sure you are using the correct version of node in your project directory. npm link creates a symlink to node_modules/@nycopportunity/patterns-framework in the current environment's node folder. Therefore, the CLI will reference the linked package in the environment's version of node.

Design System Methodology

Elements, Components, Objects

All of your project's source code will be organized into four directories: Elements, Components, Objects, and Utilities. Read about this system in the documentation. The make command automatically takes care of the organization for you, creating the necessary files based on templates in the make config.


Each Pattern directory will contain all of the files needed for it's

src/component/pattern/pattern.slm   // Markup
src/component/pattern/pattern.js    // JavaScript
src/component/pattern/_pattern.scss // Styling
src/component/pattern/    // Documentation
src/component/pattern/     // Developer Usage


Utilities are reusable single-attribute styles used to customize markup. They are not tied to any element, component, or object, but they can override properties in certain contexts and help build views more efficiently by having to write less CSS. The Pattern Framework can rely on Tailwindcss for most stylistic utilities, although, it is an optional dependency.

Design Tokens

Design Tokens are named variables that store visual properties. They are shared between JavaScript and Sass files using the tokens command which converts stored tokens in ./config/tokens.js into ./src/config/_tokens.scss. They can also be passed to the Tailwindcss Configuration for customization of CSS utilities.

Cross-Utility Library

The pattern framework ships with shared ES Utility Modules (and some Sass) for front-end development which includes helpers for Form Validation, Toggling Elements, etc. Browse the current set in the documentation.


Additional documentation can be found here.

The Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity

The Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity) is committed to sharing open source software that we use in our products. Feel free to ask questions and share feedback. Interested in contributing? See our open positions on Follow our team on Github (if you are part of the @cityofnewyork organization) or browse our work on Github.


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