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1.0.0-alpha.4 • Public • Published


0x18 SDK library provides a convenient way to work with 0x18 API.


More documentation about specific features can be found in official documentation page here.


npm i @official-0x18/0x18-api-client


To use SDK client has to be always initialized. It is configured using your organization API key, that you can find in the hex panel.

const { Client } = require('@official-0x18/0x18-api-client');

const ox = new Client({ apiKey: <org-api-key> });

For ES modules

import { Client } from '@official-0x18/0x18-api-client';

const ox = new Client({ apiKey: <org-api-key> });

Client options:

Option Default value Required Description
host https://api.0x18.io API endpoint that is called by the client
numberOfApiCallRetries 0 Number of retries, that retry mechanism should try to call API, before failing the response
apiKey - Api Key from the hex panel for your organization. If a function that returns a promise is provided it will resolve to get key

Resource methods

We will show some examples with ledgers for reference but wallets and transactions work the same way.


See pagination section for more details.

// Gets first ledger page with a single ledger per page
let { results, pageInfo, fetchMore } = await ox.ledgers.findAll({
    first: 1,


const ledger = await ox.ledgers.findOne({ id: '0xfABDD4....' });

Create - Through the collection resource

const wallet = await ox.ledgers.create({ displayName: 'HelloWorld!' });

Creating an instance - Direct

Although a model is a class, you should not create instances by using the new operator directly. Instead, the build method should be used:

const { Ledger } = require('@official-0x18/0x18-api-client');

const ledger = Ledger.build({ displayName: 'HelloWorld!' });
console.log(ledger instanceof Ledger); // true
console.log(ledger.displayName); // "HelloWorld!"

However, the code above does not communicate with the API at all (note that it is not even asynchronous)! This is because the build method only creates an object that represents data that can be mapped to the API. In order to really save (i.e. persist) this instance in the API, the save method should be used:

await ledger.save();
console.log('ledger was saved!');

Note, from the usage of await in the snippet above, that save is an asynchronous method. In fact, almost every method is asynchronous; build is one of the very few exceptions.

A very useful shortcut: the create method - Direct

Here is the create method, which combines the build and save methods shown above into a single method:

const { Ledger } = require('@official-0x18/0x18-api-client');

const ledger = await Ledger.create({ displayName: 'HelloWorld!' });
// HelloWorld! exists in the API now!
console.log(ledger instanceof Ledger); // true
console.log(ledger.displayName); // "HelloWorld!"

Accessing nested resources

Some resources have nested resources available. They can be reached using getters. Most of the resources should come paginated.

For example this is how you can get ledgers attached to a wallet with a non zero balance:

// First let's get a single wallet
const wallet = await ox.wallets.findOne();

await wallet.getLedgers();
// now wallet.ledgers is populated with paginated results



All findAll methods return results, pageInfo and fetchMore properties. results is an array of results, pageInfo contains information about current page and fetchMore is a function that can be called to get the next page.

Each result is an instance of a model. For example, results in findAll for ledgers will be an array of Ledger instances.

// Gets first ledger page with a single ledger per page
let { results, pageInfo, fetchMore } = await ox.ledgers.findAll({
    first: 1,

// Get another ledgers page
({ results, pageInfo, fetchMore } = await fetchMore());



Collection name is ledgers.

Collection Methods

Method Description
create Creates a new ledger
findAll Gets all ledgers
findOne Gets a single ledger

Instance Methods

Method Description
archive Archives a ledger
save Saves a ledger after modification

Instance Properties

Property Required Updatable Description
suffix Ledger suffix
precision Ledger precision
displayName Ledger display name
description Ledger description
reference Used for your application to identify a ledger in our system


Collection name is wallets.

Collection Methods

Method Description
create Creates a new wallet
findAll Gets all wallets
findOne Gets a single wallet

Instance Methods

Method Description
archive Archives a wallet
save Saves a wallet after modification

Creatable Instance Properties

Property Required Updatable Description
displayName wallet display name
metadata wallet metadata - JSONable
reference Used for your application to identify a wallet in our system


Collection name is transactions.

Collection Methods

Method Description
create Creates a new transaction
findAll Gets all transactions
findOne Gets a single transaction

Instance Methods

Method Description
save Saves a transaction after its been modified

Creatable Instance Properties

Property Required Updatable Description
method mint or burn
ledgerId The ledger id
walletId The wallet id
amount The amount of tokens to mint or burn
idempotencyKey Used to prevent duplicates
metadata transaction metadata - JSONable
reference Used for your application to identify a transaction in our system


Once transactions are committed, they cannot be archived.

Graphql Client

Not everything what available is currently implemented in the SDK. You can find a full available Graphql schema in our schema explorer: here.

To make it easier to do queries and mutations using our SDK, we've added Graphql client to it.


const gqlResult = await ox.gqlClient.request(
    `query Transactions ($input: TransactionsGetInput!) {
        transactions (input: $input) {
            pageInfo {
                hasNextPage, hasPreviousPage, startCursor, endCursor
            edges {
                node {
                    amount, balance, createdAt, description, errors, hash, id, identity, metadata, method
        input: {
            first: 2,

// Transactions
// Results from gqlClient come as a plain objects
console.log(gqlResult instanceof Object); // true



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