TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.3 • Public • Published



  • npm install --save ngx-table
  • Import NgxTableModule into module
  • import import ITableConfig, IColumns, ISorting, IFiltering into the component


Usage without with template

  • [tableData] accept an array of data
  • [columns] accept an array of IColumns JSONs.
  • IColumns interface has the following property.
    • title: string title of the table column.
    • name: string the property name to display.
    • sorting: boolean whether the column should be sortable or not.
    • sort: string (optional) initial column sorting ‘asc’ or ‘desc’.
    • filter: boolen (optional) display filter on top the column.
    • pipe: string (optional) accept a pipe to be applied the column data.
  • [config] accept a config JSON Object of type ITableConfig
  • ITableConfig interface had the following propertied
    • total: number total length of the data.
    • itemPerPage: number (10, 25, 50, or 100) how many item should the table display.
    • currentPage: number the current page the table displaying.
  • (tableChange) accept a function with ITableConfig parameter. It will fires when the table changes, such changes are:
    • Column sorting.
    • Column filtering.
    • Page changed.
    • Number of item per page changes.

Usage with template

You can pass a template to ngx-table directive which will render the cells of the table

        <ng-template #rows let-item="dataRow" let-i="index">
            <td>{{item.id }}</td>
            <td>{{item.name }}</td>
            <td>{{item.email }}</td>
                style='cursor: pointer;' 
                title="open console to see message" 
                <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{{item.city}}">
            <td>{{item.donation | currency}}</td>

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    • ommaralquisi