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0.0.6 • Public • Published




npm install --save @optisolbusiness/react-native-survey-question @react-native-community/slider

If using iOS please remember to install cocoapods by running: npx pod-install


import { SurveyQuestion } from "@optisolbusiness/react-native-survey-question";

// ...

            question: 'Which stage of career are you at?',
            type: 'singleSelectQuestion',
            user_options: [
              { questionOptions: 'question 2' },
              { questionOptions: 'question 3' },
            question: 'question one InputText',
            type: 'inputTextQuestion',
            user_options: [
              { textInputQuestionTitle: 'text one', textInputvalue: '',placeholder: '' },
              { textInputQuestionTitle: 'text two', textInputvalue: '',placeholder: ''},
            question: 'question name Button',
            type: 'multiSelectQuestion',
            user_options: [
              { questionOptions: 'question 2', unSelectedColor: 'transparent',
              selectedColor: 'green', selectedTextColor: 'white',unSelectedTextColor: 'red' },
              { questionOptions: 'question 5',  unSelectedColor: 'transparent',
              selectedColor: 'green', selectedTextColor: 'white',unSelectedTextColor: 'red' },
              { questionOptions: 'question 8', unSelectedColor: 'transparent',
              selectedColor: 'green', selectedTextColor: 'white',unSelectedTextColor: 'red' },
            question: 'question name slider',
            type: 'progressBarQuestion',
            user_options: [
                title: 'test title -7',
                values: 70,
                minValue: '',
                maxValue: ''
               title: 'test title -9',
                values: 50,
                minValue: '',
                maxValue: ''
            question: 'question name slider',
            type: 'progressBar_text_Question',
            user_options: [
               title: 'test title -9',
                value: 50,
                minValue: '',
                maxValue: '',
                textInputValue: '',
                placeholder: '',
        onAnswer={(ans) => sample(ans)}
        onAllResp={(allResp) => console.log("allResp--", allResp)}

How to pass type value and it's usage

type: 'singleSelectQuestion'

          question: '',
          type: 'singleSelectQuestion',
          user_options: [
              { questionOptions: 'question 1' },
              { questionOptions: 'question 2' },
              { questionOptions: 'question 3' },

type: 'inputTextQuestion'

          question: '',
          type: 'inputTextQuestion',
          user_options: [
              { textInputQuestionTitle: 'text one', textInputvalue: '', placeholder: '' },
              { textInputQuestionTitle: 'text two', textInputvalue: '' , placeholder: ''},
              { textInputQuestionTitle: 'text one', textInputvalue: '', placeholder: '' },

type: 'multiSelectQuestion'

          question: '',
          type: 'multiSelectQuestion',
          user_options: [
               { questionTitle: 'question 2', unSelectedColor: 'transparent',
                 selectedColor: 'green',selectedTextColor: 'white',unSelectedTextColor: 'red'

type: 'progressBarQuestion'

          question: '',
          type: 'progressBarQuestion',
          user_options: [
                title: 'test title -7',
                values: 70,
                min: 20,
                max: 50,
                minValue: '',
                maxValue: ''

type: 'progressBar_text_Question'

          question: '',
          type: 'progressBar_text_Question',
          user_options: [
                progressBarTitle: 'test title',
                value: 80,
                textInputValue: '',
                min: 20,
                max: 50,
                minValue: '',
                maxValue: '',
                placeholder: '',
                textInputTitle: ''

Detailed description of props usage mentioned in table below

Props and Methods

Prop Type Description
progressHeaderMainContainerStyle Style Optional. Style of Progress Bar Container
progressHeaderSubContianerStyle Style Optional. Style of Progress Bar
onProgressColor Color Mandatory. Current Progress Bar color E.g: onProgressColor={'green'}
nextProgressColor Color Mandatory. Next Progress bar color E.g: nextProgressColor={'blue'}
previousProgressColor Color Mandatory. Previous Progress bar color E.g: previousProgressColor={'red'}
buttonMainContainerStyle Style Optional. Previous and Next Button Main Container Style
buttonContainerStyle Style Optional. Previous and Next Button Styling
buttonTextStyle Style Optional. Previous and Next Button Text Styling
previousText String Optional. Previous text prop, default: Previous
nextText String Optional. Next text prop, default: Next
options Array of Objects Mandatory. Need to pass question ,type, user_options
question String Mandatory. Question heading
type String Mandatory. 'SingleSelectQuestion' or 'inputTextQuestion' or 'multiSelectQuestion' or 'PrograssBarQuestion' or 'PrograssBar_text_Question'
user_options Array of Objects Mandatory. based on type value user_options will differ,user_options is mandatory for all types
inputTextOuterContainerStyle Style Optional. Container Styling of text input and title
textInputTitleStyle Style Optional. Styling of text input title
textInputStyle Style Optional. TextInput style
progressbarContainerStyle Style Optional. progressBar Container Style
progressTitleStyle Style Optional. progressBar Title Style
sliderStyle Style Optional. slider Style
minimumTrackTintColor Style Optional. The color used for the track to the left of the button. Overrides the default blue gradient image on iOS.
maximumTrackTintColor Style Optional. The color used for the track to the right of the button. Overrides the default gray gradient image on iOS.
thumbTintColor Style Optional. Color of the foreground switch grip.
minMaxStyleContainer Style Optional. minValue, maxValue Text Container Style
onAnswer Function Mnadatory. for individual screen response
onAllResp Function Mandatory. for complete screens response

type: 'singleSelectQuestion' props

Prop Type Description
questionOptions String Mandatory. Questions to conduct survey in singleSelectQuestion type
optionStyle Style Optional. unSelected question styling
selectedOptionStyle Style Optional. selected question styling
optionTextStyle Style Optional. unSelected question text style
selectedOptionTextStyle Style Optional. selected question text style

type: 'inputTextQuestion' props

Prop Type Description
textInputQuestionTitle String Optional. Title for text input
textInputvalue String Optional. value to show for the text input
placeholder String Optional. placeholder value for text input

type: 'multiSelectQuestion' props

Prop Type Description
questionTitle String Mandatory. Questions Title
selectedColor Color Mandatory. selected question color
unSelectedColor Color Mandatory. unSelected question color
selectedTextColor Color Mandatory. selected question text color
unSelectedTextColor Color Mandatory. unSelected question text color
buttonStyleProps Style Optional. question outer style
buttonOptionTextStyle Style Optional. question text style

type: 'progressBarQuestion' props

Prop Type Description
title String Optional. progress Title
values String Mandatory. to show progress value
minValue number Optional. to show minvalue
maxValue number Optional. to show maxvalue
min number Optional. Initial minimum value of the slider. Default value is 0.
max number Optional. Initial maximum value of the slider. Default value is 1.

type: 'progressBar_text_Question' props

Prop Type Description
progressBarTitle String Optional. progress Title
value String Mandatory. to show progress value
minValue number Optional. to show minvalue
maxValue number Optional. to show maxvalue
min number Optional. Initial minimum value of the slider. Default value is 0.
max number Optional. Initial maximum value of the slider. Default value is 1.
textInputTitle String Optional. Title for text input
textInputValue String Optional. value to show for the text input
placeholder String Optional. placeholder value for text input


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Made with create-react-native-library


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  • shyamsundars
  • sujipriya
  • saisushma
  • silambarasan_1996
  • tharmadurai
  • ramprasath.raja