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0.0.1--canary.51.2893023504.0 • Public • Published

🚧️ 🚧️ 🚧️ @owngames/notion 🚧️ 🚧️ 🚧️

Wrapper stuff for ygorluizgerald.com.

📝️ Please Note:

  • 🧐 Very specific to an implementation I re-use a lot
  • 😬 Lots of any types (currently)
  • 🤔️ Would be good to build this out to be more generic

This is really a custom thing, so not sure how useful this would be for anyone else.

This will not be ready for production/OSS use until 3.0.0 at the earliest. I would imagine all attempts at documentation will wildy fluctuate.


Notion + Next.js + swr

The concept is kind of mapping databases from Notion to routeTypes in Next being kept in-sync post build via swr.

You will need a few values set up in Notion and identified in a configuration file within your repo provided to this package. (And by few, this is an understatement. [Good news! You can create all the values dynamically, howver, that is outside of this package currently.])


This API extends @notionhq/client so you will extend this one instead.

import { Client } from '@owngames/notion'

import { notionConfig as config } from '~config/websites'

const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY, config })

You need to pass config which informs the package of all the wonderful Notion stuff you have. Will fill this out as I go (I hope haha).

(alias) const notionConfig: {
    DATABASES: Databases;
    NOTION: DatabaseInfo;
    PAGES__HOMEPAGE: string;
    PAGES: string[];
    ROUTE_META: any[];
    ROUTE_TYPES: any[];
  • DATABASES: 🔑️ is uppercase (usually gripped by routeType)
  • NOTION: 🔑️ is uppercase; 🛠️ configuration for DB
    • active: boolean
    • database_id: string
    • dataTypes: DataTypes[]
    • hasChild: string | null
    • infoType: any | null
    • isChild: string | null
    • isChildInfoType: any | null
    • name: string
    • page_id__seo: string
    • routeMeta: boolean
    • routeType: string
    • slug: string
    • ttl: number
  • PAGES__HOMEPAGE: 🤕️ what Pages => slug is the homepage?
  • PAGES: 🤕️ Only active routeTypes brought back
  • ROUTE_META: 🤕️ up front share if we expect the route to have a meta (BLOG|EVENTS|PODCASTS)
  • ROUTE_TYPES_BY_DATA_TYPES: For each DATA_TYPE determine which routeType are associated
  • ROUTE_TYPES: 🤕️ Only active routeTypes brought back


Will add an ./examples/next/... to show this with a public facing Notion at some point.

Custom setup to get pathVariables from next:


export const getStaticProps = async ({ preview = false, ...props }) => {
  const { catchAll } = props.params
  // @todo(next)
  const clear = false
  const pathVariables = notion.custom.getPathVariables({ catchAll })
   * @cache
   * - pages = TRUE
   * - pages/api = FALSE
  const cache = true
  const data = await getDataReturn({
    data: await getCatchAll({
  return {
    props: { preview, ...data, ...pathVariables, ...props },

export const getStaticPaths = () => {
  return getStaticPathsCatchAll()


  • Checks against cache
  • Based on the dataType from getPathVariables calls notion.dataTypes
  • Sets data
  • Checks if should use plaiceholder to generate images
  • Creates cache if it should
  • Send back


  • Create paths via hard-coded values from configuration for:
    • PAGES__HOMEPAGE => index.ts
    • PAGES => Until we can get a proper query to dynamically generate
  • Create paths to generate via next based off of NOTION[#__database__#].databaseTypes:
    • SLUG
  • Customizations for date based routing for:
    • blog => ./blog/yyyy/mm/dd/blog-title
    • events => ./events/yyyy/mm/dd/events-title
    • episodes => ./podcasts/#__podcast-title__#/#__episode-title#


Currently set to json files within next build. This (currently) causes it to be generated every build.

For larger datasets this should move to a Key/Value Store that takes into account lastEdited from Notion for anything since the last build. (Or someting like that.)


Next and Notion are awesome.

Before @notionhq/client this was really hacky (cough actually more than this, haha). And now that the API is public, figured I would move this out to keep myself honest and find ways to continually improve it since I had this as a private repo with no documentation (hence a lot of any types and a lack of a formal or even informal README).

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  • ygorneves