
1.14.0 • Public • Published


RPi is a nodejs library that provides access to basic Raspberry Pi info and functionality.


RPi is distributed via NPM:

npm install --save @p4d/rpi


// Include library
const RPi = require('@p4d/rpi')

// Access RPi data

// Exposed functionality
if (RPi.Cmd.exists('rpi-config')) {     // This is actually not required since RPi.Cmd.run already checks if the command exists.
  console.log(RPi.Cmd.run('rpi-config', ['hostname', 'PAPA4D']))


RPi library exposes RPi data and functionality as static classes:


  • Serial.id - gets the Serial Id for the RPi. Gets value from /proc/cpuinfo. Returns 0000000000000000 on non-RPi architectures.
  • Serial.exists - returns true if /proc/cpuinfo file exists.


  • Kronos.id - gets the Kronos Id for the RPi stored at /etc/kronos. Returns null if no id is assigned.
  • Kronos.exists - returns true if /etc/kronos file exists.
  • Kronos.update(newId) - Updates Kronos Id value to newId. /etc/kronos is updated.


  • Hermes.id - gets the Hermes URL for the RPi stored at /etc/hermes. Returns null if no url is assigned.
  • Hermes.exists - returns true if /etc/hermes file exists.
  • Hermes.update(newUrl) - Updates Hermes URL value to newUrl. /etc/hermes is updated.


  • Cloud.id - gets the Cloud URL for the RPi stored at /etc/cloud. Returns null if no url is assigned.
  • Cloud.exists - returns true if /etc/cloud file exists.
  • Cloud.update(newUrl) - Updates Cloud URL value to newUrl. /etc/cloud is updated.


  • Project.id - gets the Project Id for the RPi stored at /etc/project. Project Id is the snake case formated version of the Project Name. Returns null if no id is assigned.
  • Project.name - gets the Project Name for the RPi stored at /etc/project. Project name is the full string formated name for the current project. Returns null if no name is assigned.
  • Project.exists - returns true if /etc/project file exists.
  • Project.update(newName) - Updates Project Name value to newName and Project Id to snake_cased_newName. /etc/project is updated.


  • Status.ready() - Checks wether RPi is ready to send data packets to Hermes. Three conditions are needed: RPi must have assigned Project Id, Kronos Id and Hermes URL.
  • Serial.data() - Generates a data package with status information on the RPi. It does NOT check if RPi is ready to send the data to Hermes - Status.ready() needs to be checked before sending it.

The data package includes the following info:

serial - Serial id
kronosId - Kronos id
hermesUrl - Hermes url
cloudUrl - Cloud url
project: {
  name - Project name
  id - Project Id
hostname - OS Hostname
ip - IP Address
uptime - OS Uptime
disk: {
  free - Free space in bytes
  freeGB - Free space in GBytes
  freePer - Free space in percentile
  total - Total space in bytes
  totalGB - Total space in GBytes
ram: {
  free - Free RAM in bytes
  freeMB - Free RAM in MBytes
  freePer - Free RAM in percentile
  total - Total RAM in bytes
  totalMB - Total RAM in MBytes
platform: {
  os - OS Pretty Name for Rasbpian with version. For example `Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)`
  version - OS version release identifier. For example `16.4.0` on macOS Sierra
  type - OS string identifier. For example `Linux` on Linux, `Darwin` on macOS, `Windows_NT` on Windows


  • Cmd.run(cmd, args) - Runs a command with arguments. Equivalent of doing cmd args[0] args[1] ... args[n]. args can be a string for single argument commands or an array with multiple arguments.
  • Cmd.exists(cmd) - Checks wether cmd command exists on the current environment.


  • Temperature.measure() - gets CPU and GPU temperature in Celsius.
  • Temperature.existsCPUTemp() - returns true if /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp file exists.


  • RAM.measure() - gets RAM usage statistics


  • Disk.measure() - gets Disk usage statistics


  • Network.data() - gets Network information



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  • javougarte
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