
4.56.1 • Public • Published

BaseCMS Marko Wrapper for IdentityX


  1. Include @parameter1/base-cms-marko-web-identity-x as a project/website dependency.

  2. Include IdentityX tenant configuration within your site

// your-site/config/identity-x.js
const IdentityX = require('@parameter1/base-cms-marko-web-identity-x/config');

const config = new IdentityX({
module.exports = config;
  1. Create an IdentityX router to load the IdentityX middleware.
// your-site/server/routes/identity-x.js
const IdentityX = require('@parameter1/base-cms-marko-web-identity-x');
const config = require('../../config/identity-x');
const authenticate = require('../templates/user/authenticate');
const login = require('../templates/user/login');
const logout = require('../templates/user/logout');
const register = require('../templates/user/register');
const profile = require('../templates/user/profile');

module.exports = (app) => {
  IdentityX(app, config);

  app.get(config.getEndpointFor('authenticate'), (req, res) => {

  app.get(config.getEndpointFor('login'), (req, res) => {

  app.get(config.getEndpointFor('logout'), (req, res) => {

  app.get(config.getEndpointFor('register'), (req, res) => {

  app.get(config.getEndpointFor('profile'), (req, res) => {
  1. Include the IdentityX router before all other routes!
// your-site/server/routes/index.js
const IdentityX = require('./identity-x');

module.exports = (app) => {
  // ...
  1. Create login, logout, authenticate, register and profile templates. These templates must include the relevant <marko-web-identity-x-form-...> component.
    <marko-web-identity-x-form-authenticate />
  1. Include the Browser plugin.
// your-site/browser/index.js
import IdentityX from '@parameter1/base-cms-marko-web-identity-x/browser';

// ...

export default Browser;


Include the <marko-web-identity-x-form-authenticate> component in the template where users land after authenticating (/user/authenticate).

Include the <marko-web-identity-x-form-login> component to display the login form.

Include the <marko-web-identity-x-form-register> component to display the register form.

Include the <marko-web-identity-x-form-logout> component to display the logout form.

Include the <marko-web-identity-x-form-profile> component to display the user profile form.

Include the <marko-web-identity-x-context> component where you'd like access to IdentityX context.

<!-- your-site/server/templates/some-page.marko -->
<marko-web-identity-x-context|{ user, hasUser }|>
    <h1>Hello ${user.givenName}!</h1>

Include the <marko-web-identity-x-access> component where you'd like to ensure access levels are met:

<!-- your-site/server/templates/content/index.marko -->
$ const { isRequired, accessLevels } = getAsObject(content, 'userRegistration');
  $ const {
  } = context;
    <if(isLoggedIn && !hasRequiredAccessLevel)>
    <else-if(!isLoggedIn && requiresAccessLevel)>
      <h5>You must be logged-in to access this content.</h5>
      <cms-browser-component name="IdentitySignInForm" />
    <p>This is secret content only some can see!</p>


You can change the default IdentityX Vue components by passing them to the component loader in your site's browser config:

import IdentityX from '@parameter1/base-cms-marko-web-identity-x/browser';
+ import MyLoginComponent from './my-login-component.vue';

+IdentityX(Browser, {
+  CustomLoginComponent: MyLoginComponent,

Vue Event emission

This package emits the following events via the EventBus/global Vue root. Each payload will be an object and will include a label field tied to the eventLabel prop of the emitting component. Each payload may include additional data, as relevant.

All components support passing an object of additionalEventData, which when present will append data both to the submission (for backend hook handling) and to the emitted event payload.

Submission events

Event name Event payload Details
identity-x-login-link-sent { label, ...additionalEventData } Fires when a user submits their email to start the login handshake.
identity-x-authenticated { label, ...additionalEventData, mustReVerifyProfile, isProfileComplete, requiresCustomFieldAnswers } Fires when a user has completed the login handshake and is now fully authenticated.
identity-x-logout { label, ...additionalEventData } Fires when a user has logged out successfully.
identity-x-profile-updated { label, ...additionalEventData } Fires when a user has submitted an update to their profile/fields.
identity-x-comment-post-submitted { label, ...additionalEventData } Fires when a user posts a comment to a comment stream
identity-x-comment-report-submitted { label, ...additionalEventData, id } Fires when a user reports a comment on a comment stream
identity-x-comment-stream-login-link-sent { label, ...additionalEventData } Fires when a user starts login from a comment stream

View events

Each component will emit an event when the component is displayed.

Event name Event payload Details
identity-x-authenticate-displayed { label, ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-login-displayed { label, ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-logout-displayed { label, ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-profile-displayed { label, ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-comment-stream-displayed { label, ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-comment-stream-loaded { label, ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-comment-stream-loaded-more { label, ...additionalEventData }

Error events

Each component will emit an event when an error is encountered and include the error message as the message attribute of the emitted payload.

Event name Event payload
identity-x-authenticate-errored { label, message: '...', ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-login-errored { label, message: '...', ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-logout-errored { label, message: '...', ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-profile-errored { label, message: '...', ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-comment-post-errored { label, message: '...', ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-comment-report-errored { label, message: '...', ...additionalEventData }
identity-x-comment-stream-errored { label, message: '...', ...additionalEventData }


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