TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.4.16 • Public • Published


Kona is set of scripts and configs used to provide a consistent dev experience across NodeJS repos.

kona <command>

  kona config                  Print `.konarc` including defaults
  kona commit [files..]        Commit message prompter (commitizen)
  kona coverage                Check diff coverage (bypass with "[skip coverage]" in latest commit message)
  kona lint [files..]          Apply ESLint and Prettier
  kona test [TestPathPattern]  Jest (simplified)
  kona ts [path..]             Type check with TypeScript
  kona verify                  Verify repo setup and dependencies

  --version   Show version number                                                                    [boolean]
  -h, --help  Show help                                                                              [boolean]


yarn add @percolate/kona --dev
npx kona -h

Configure Jest

@percolate/kona provides a jest config setup specifically for npx kona test, npx kona coverage, and CI. You'll need to provide the following jest config in your repo's root or each monorepo packages.

// jest.config.js
const { jest } = require('@percolate/kona')
module.exports = {
    // custom overrides

Visit src/jest.ts to see full configuration.


At Percolate, we enforce the following across all NodeJS repos in our CI:

# Verify repo setup and dependencies
npx kona verify

# Validate commit messages of current branch
npx kona commit validate

# Type check with TypeScript
npx kona ts

# Check ESLint and Prettier
npx kona lint

# run Jest and check diff coverage (bypass with "[skip coverage]" in latest commit message)
npx kona test --coverage && npx kona coverage

It's also be a good idea to provide NPM scripts as aliases more familiar to devs:

// package.json
    "scripts": {
        "coverage": "kona test --coverage && kona coverage",
        "lint": "kona lint",
        "test": "kona test --watch",
        "types": "kona ts"
        // ...


If you'd like to override kona's default values (see npx kona config), create a JSON file .konarc to the root of your repo.

Visit src/config.ts for more details.

You can access your kona's config with your values programmatically.

import { config } from '@percolate/kona'


Kona ships with commonly used static configs (ex. .vscode/settings.json, tsconfig.json...). They are located in configs/.

// tsconfig.js
    "extends": "@percolate/kona/configs/tsconfig.json"
# symlink .vscode config in your project
ln -s node_modules/@percolate/kona/configs/.vscode .vscode


yarn watch

yarn run for all options.

See root README.md

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