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A lightweight Next library to implement custom Google Tag Manager events.


Extends @phntms/react-gtm with native support for Next.JS 12, utilizing the new Script Component to automatically prioritize loading of third-party scripts to improve performance.


Install this package with npm.

npm i @phntms/next-gtm


<TrackingHeadScript />

Property Type Default Notes
id string undefined ID that uniquely identifies GTM Container. Example format: GTM-xxxxxx.
disable boolean false Used to disable tracking events (isGTM=false only). Use if you want user to consent to cookies first
isGTM boolean false Loads the gtag.js script by default (legacy behaviour - compatible with UA/GA4/GTM), else, loads gtm.js.
GTMAuth string undefined (isGTM = true required) Optional parameter to load a non-default GTM environment, e.g. for testing GTM.
GTMPreview string undefined (isGTM = true required) Optional parameter to load a non-default GTM environment, e.g. for testing GTM.

To initialize GTM, add TrackingHeadScript to the head of the page.

This package utilizes next/script, which means you can't place it inside a next/head. Further, TrackingHeadScript should not be used in pages/_document.js as next/script has client-side functionality to ensure loading order.

The isGTM, GTMAuth and GTMPreview optional properties are a backwards-compatible update to provide multiple GTM environment support to this library. Using multiple GTM container environments allow developers to test different GTM config versions on a preview codebase before publishing the change to the production GTM container.

  • If the project is known to be using GTM - the isGTM should be set to true regardless of the environment (the default false will continue to function though).
  • Typically you want to set the GTMAuth and GTMPreview properties (obtained from the GTM preview environment script snippet) via optional environment variables in the applications' preview environments - when left as undefined - GTM will default to the master (production) container config.

Example usage:

import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
import { TrackingHeadScript } from "@phntms/next-gtm";

const GA_TRACKING_ID = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_TRACKING_ID || "";

const App = ({ Component }: AppProps) => (
    <TrackingHeadScript id={GA_TRACKING_ID} isGTM={true} />
    <Component />

export default App;

Note: If used alongside any cookie consent scripts, <TrackingHeadScript /> must be loaded after.

Using trackEvent() and enableTracking()

For how to use trackEvent(), enableTracking(), learn more about EventDataProps and how this library extends window.dataLayer, please reference @phntms/react-gtm.

🍰 Contributing

Want to get involved, or found an issue? Please contribute using the GitHub Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a Pull Request or submit a new issue.

Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our CODE_OF_CONDUCT, and the process for submitting pull requests to us!


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  • digitaljohn