An opinionated table component with default styling for Mantine 7 and TanStack Table 8.
Initialize the useReactTable
hook and pass it into this component to get a fully functional table with sorting, filtering, pagination, and more.
pnpm i @proofgeist/mantine-tanstack-table
Requires @tanstack/react-table
and @mantine/core
as peer dependencies.
pnpm install dayjs @mantine/dates
import TanstackTable from "@proofgeist/mantine-tanstack-table";
import {
} from "@tanstack/react-table";
// this CSS only needs to be imported once in your entire app
// and can be ignored if you want to use your own styles
import "@proofgeist/mantine-tanstack-table/styles.css";
type TData = { name: string };
const columnHelper = createColumnHelper<TData>();
// define your columns outside of your component to avoid re-renders
// or within a useMemo hook if needed to be inside the component
const columns = [columnHelper.accessor("name", { header: "Name" })];
function MyComponent() {
const table = useReactTable({
data: [], // add your data here
getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),
return <TanstackTable table={table} />;
More examples to come