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Sentry Resource Provider

This plugin requires pulumi cli v3.35.3 or later

The Sentry Resource Provider lets you manage Sentry resources.

It is based on the sentry terraform provider https://registry.terraform.io/providers/jianyuan/sentry/latest/docs


If you get an error like this:

error: could not load plugin for sentry provider 'urn:pulumi:my-stack::my-project::pulumi:providers:sentry::my-provider': no resource plugin 'pulumi-resource-sentry' found in the workspace at version vX.Y.Z or on your $PATH, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource sentry vX.Y.Z`

You can use this command to install the missing version:

pulumi plugin install resource sentry vX.Y.Z --server github://api.github.com/pulumiverse

This package is available for several languages/platforms:

Node.js (JavaScript/TypeScript)

To use from JavaScript or TypeScript in Node.js, install using either npm:

npm install @pulumiverse/sentry

or yarn:

yarn add @pulumiverse/sentry


To use from Python, install using pip:

pip install pulumiverse_sentry


To use from Go, use go get to grab the latest version of the library:

go get github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-sentry/sdk/go/...


To use from .NET, install using dotnet add package:

dotnet add package Pulumiverse.Sentry


The following configuration points are available for the sentry provider:

  • sentry:token (Required) This is the Sentry authentication token. The value can be sourced from the SENTRY_TOKEN environment variable.
  • sentry:baseUrl (Optional) This is the target Sentry base API endpoint. The default value is https://sentry.io/api/. The value must be provided when working with Sentry On-Premise. The value can be sourced from the SENTRY_BASE_URL environment variable.


For detailed reference documentation, please visit the Pulumi registry.

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