Purchasely is a solution to ease the integration and boost your In-App Purchase & Subscriptions on the App Store, Google Play Store and Huawei App Gallery.
cordova plugin add @purchasely/cordova-plugin-purchasely
['Google'], // list of stores for Android, accepted values: Google, Huawei and Amazon
null, // your user id
Purchasely.LogLevel.DEBUG, // log level, should be warning or error in production
Purchasely.RunningMode.full, // running mode
(isConfigured) => {
if(isConfigured) // you can use the SDK like display a paywall or make a purchase
(error) => {
'my_presentation_id', // may be null
'my_content_id', // may be null
false, //display in fullscreen mode
(callback) => {
if(callback.result == Purchasely.PurchaseResult.CANCELLED) {
console.log("User cancelled purchased");
} else {
console.log("User purchased " + callback.plan.name);
(error) => {
console.log("Error with purchase : " + error);
A complete documentation is available on our website https://docs.purchasely.com