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0.0.9 • Public • Published


This package runs our validation tests against a Web Manifest. It can be used in both Node.js and the browser.

Getting Started

  • Get a standard web manifest object as JSON. This can be done in any way you need and is a seperate concern from this package.
  • Start by calling one of the methods below and passing in the manifest JSON from step two. Note that you will first need to import that method first
    • import { validateRequired } from 'manifest-validation';


  • validateRequiredFields

    • This method will validate the manifest against the required fields.
    • Parameters:
      • manifest: The manifest to validate as a standard JSON object
    • Returns: An array of Validation that contains each field that failed validation
    • Usage Example:
    const result = validateRequiredFields(manifest);
  • reportMissing

    • This method will find all of fields that are missing in the passed manifest
    • Parameters:
      • manifest: The manifest to validate as a standard JSON object
    • Returns: An array of string that contains each field that could not be found in the manifest
    • Usage Example: Same as the above method
  • validateManifest

    • This method will validate the manifest against all fields and all issues
    • Parameters:
      • manifest: The manifest to validate as a standard JSON object
    • Returns: An array of Validation that contains each field that failed validation
    • Usage: Same as the above method
  • validateSingleField

    • This method will validate the value in the web manifest agains the given field + value
      • field: TA member of your Web Manifest that you would like to validate, such as theme_color
      • value: The current value of the field passed in above
    • Returns: a Validation if it failed, true if passed and undefined if the field is not in the manifest
    • Usage:
      const result = validateSingleField("theme_color", "#ffffff");


The following types are exported and can be used in your code by importing the desired type from the package.

// Represents the result of a validation test
interface Validation {
    infoString?: string;
    category: string;
    member: string;
    defaultValue?: string | any[];
    docsLink?: string;
    errorString?: string;
    quickFix: boolean;
    test?: Function;
    testName?: string;

// Represents a Web Manifest and includes all
// potential members
interface Manifest {

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