Component for creating and using themes with @quarkly/atomize In Quarkly, themes are based on CSS variables.
The key feature of Quarkly themes is that variables from themes can be reused. To use variables from a theme, just describe the property in the theme and call this property using the prefix "--".
Install and Usage
Themes are used together with atomize.
npm i @quarkly/atomize
npm i styled-components
The variables can be used both in JSX:
const theme = {
colors: {
dark: "#04080C",
export const MyComp = () => (
<Box bgc="--colors-dark" height="100px" width="100px" />
And in the theme:
const theme = {
colors: {
dark: "#04080C",
borders: {
dark: "5px solid --colors-dark",
export const MyComp = () => (
<Box border="--borders-dark" height="100px" width="100px" />
Shorter syntax is used for colors in jsx markup:
const theme = {
colors: {
dark: "#04080C",
export const MyComp = () => (
<Box bgc="--dark" height="100px" width="100px" />
Themes have breakpoints for working with media expressions:
Any property can be prefixed with a breakpoint key name
const theme = {
breakpoints: {
sm: [{ type: "max-width", value: 576 }],
md: [{ type: "max-width", value: 768 }],
lg: [{ type: "max-width", value: 992 }],
colors: {
dark: "#04080C",
borders: {
dark: "5px solid --colors-dark",
export const MyComp = () => (
Advanced usage
- styles for a theme component
- CSS variables for components
Styles for a Theme Component
There is a mechanism for styling components directly from the theme. The key is the name property when creating a component in atomize:
const Box = atomize.div({ name: "Box" });
const theme = {
Box: {
width: "100px",
height: "100px",
export const MyComp = () => (
<Box bgc="yellow" />
CSS Variables for Components
In some cases, it is necessary to specify the reused styles for one or a group of components.
For using such variables, specify the prefix "--cmp"
const Box = atomize.div({});
const theme = {
components: {
box: {
height: {
default: "100px",
width: {
default: "100px",
export const MyComp = () => (