
2.1.1 • Public • Published


RariMe is a MetaMask Snap that safely holds any of your credentials and allows you to prove your identity without revealing any personal data. Powered by Rarimo Protocol and Zero-Knowledge Proof technology.


Create an identity

To create an identity you need to call this method:

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    snapId: 'snapId',
    request: { method: 'create_identity' },

Get identity

Returns DID and DID in big int string format if they are exists, otherwise method throws error.

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    snapId: 'snapId',
    request: { method: 'get_identity' },

Export identity

To export an identity you need to call this method:

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    snapId: 'snapId',
    request: { method: 'export_identity' },

Save Verifiable Credentials

To save Verifiable Credentials you need to call this method with params:

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    snapId: 'snapId',
    request: {
      method: 'save_credentials',
      params: {
        body: {
          credentials: [
              description: 'Natural Person',
              id: '86531650-023c-4c6c-a437-a82e137ead68',
          url: '',
        from: 'did:iden3:tJnRoZ1KqUPbsfVGrk8io51iqoRc5dGhj5LLMHSrD',
        id: '026035f6-42f6-4a2d-b516-0b11d2674850',
        thid: '348b7198-7cb1-46f4-bc0a-98a358f65539',
        to: 'did:iden3:tTxif8ahrSqRWavS8Qatrp4ZEJvPdu3ELSMgqTEQN',
        typ: 'application/iden3comm-plain-json',
        type: 'https://iden3-communication.io/credentials/1.0/offer',


  • id: request identifier
  • thid: ID of the message thread
  • from: identifier of the person from whom the offer was received
  • to: identifier of the person who received the offer
  • typ: media type of the message. In our case, it is the type of the protocol of the packed message application/iden3comm-plain-json
  • type: type of iden3comm protocol message
  • body
    • credentials[0]
      • description: description of the schema
      • id: credential id
    • url: URL to which requested information is sent and response is received

Remove Verifiable Credentials

return await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    request: {
      method: 'remove_credentials',
      params: {
        ids: [
    snapId: 'local:http://localhost:8081',


  • ids: list of claim ids to remove, e. g. W3CCredential.id

Create a proof

Make sure you are on the correct network before creating a proof! Returns ZKProof for off-chain and updateStateTx, statesMerkleData, ZKProof for on-chain To create a proof you need to call this method with params:

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    snapId: 'snapId',
    request: {
      method: 'create_proof',
      params: {
        circuitId: 'credentialAtomicQuerySigV2OnChain',
        issuerDid: 'did:iden3:[...]',
        accountAddress: '0x......',
        challenge: '1251760352881625298994789945427452069454957821390', // BigInt string
        query: {
          allowedIssuers: ['*'],
          credentialSubject: {
            isNatural: {
              $eq: 1,
          type: 'IdentityProviders',


  • circuitId: type of proof
  • accountAddress(optional): Metamask user address for onchain proofs
  • issuerDid: did of the issuer trusted by the verifier
  • challenge(optional): text that will be signed
  • query
    • allowedIssuers: types of issuers allowed
      • *: all types of Issuers are allowed
    • context: URL for getting the vocabulary for the credential
    • type: type of credentials allowed
    • credentialSubject: query request to a query circuit

Check state contract

Returns true if the state contract on current chain need to be synced:

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    snapId: 'snapId',
    request: {
      method: 'check_state_contract_sync',

Get Verifiable Credentials

  • Only supported domains

Return a list of Verifiable Credentials:

await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
  params: {
    snapId: 'snapId',
    request: {
      method: 'get_credentials',


The snap comes with some basic tests, to demonstrate how to write tests for snaps. To test the snap, run yarn test in this directory. This will use @metamask/snaps-jest to run the tests in src/index.test.ts.


Prepare ceramic json files and deploy (example)


First things first, follow steps on Ceramic composeDB guide to prepare environment and get CERAMIC_URL with DID_PRIVATE_KEY variables.

Run script to prepare json files

CERAMIC_URL=http://... DID_PRIVATE_KEY=fbb8731ecc9c36542f9caf9d9e3535c8... yarn workspace @rarimo/rarime ceramic:prepare-vc

Run Graphql server locally

CERAMIC_URL=http://... DID_PRIVATE_KEY=fbb8731ecc9c36542f9caf9d9e3535c8... yarn workspace @rarimo/rarime ceramic:graphql-server


  • Babel is used for transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript, so when building with the CLI, transpilationMode must be set to localOnly (default) or localAndDeps.

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  • lukachi
  • ihor.diachenko
  • electr1xx
  • arvolear
  • volendi
  • semen_rarify