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React Keycloak

React Keycloak

SSR bindings for Keycloak

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Table of Contents


React Keycloak requires:

  • React 16.8 or later
  • keycloak-js 9.0.2 or later
yarn add @react-keycloak/ssr


npm install --save @react-keycloak/ssr

Getting Started

This module has been created to support NextJS and Razzle, other SSR frameworks might be working as well.


Follow the guide related to your SSR Framework and note that SSRKeycloakProvider also accepts all the properties of KeycloakProvider.


Requires NextJS 9 or later

Create the _app.tsx file under pages folder and wrap your App inside SSRKeycloakProvider component and pass keycloakConfig and a TokenPersistor.

Note: @react-keycloak/ssr provides a default TokenPersistor which works with cookies (exported as ServerPersistors.SSRCookies).

The following examples will be based on that.

import cookie from 'cookie'
import * as React from 'react'
import type { IncomingMessage } from 'http'
import type { AppProps, AppContext } from 'next/app'

import { SSRKeycloakProvider, SSRCookies } from '@react-keycloak/ssr';

const keycloakCfg = {
  realm: '',
  url: '',
  clientId: ''

interface InitialProps {
  cookies: unknown

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps, cookies }: AppProps & InitialProps) {
  return (
      <Component {...pageProps} />

function parseCookies(req?: IncomingMessage) {
  if (!req || !req.headers) {
    return {}
  return cookie.parse(req.headers.cookie || '')

MyApp.getInitialProps = async (context: AppContext) => {
  // Extract cookies from AppContext
  return {
    cookies: parseCookies(context?.ctx?.req)

export default MyApp


Requires Razzle 3 or later

N.B: This setup requires you to install cookie-parser middleware.

Edit your app server.js as follow


import { ExpressCookies, SSRKeycloakProvider } from '@react-keycloak/ssr'

// Create a function to retrieve Keycloak configuration parameters -- 'see examples/razzle-app'
import { getKeycloakConfig } from './utils'

const assets = require(process.env.RAZZLE_ASSETS_MANIFEST)

const server = express()
  .use(cookieParser()) // 1. Add cookieParser Express middleware
  .get('/*', (req, res) => {
    const context = {}

    // 2. Create an instance of ExpressCookies passing the current request
    const cookiePersistor = ExpressCookies(req)

    // 3. Wrap the App inside SSRKeycloakProvider
    const markup = renderToString(
        <StaticRouter context={context} location={req.url}>
          <App />


Edit your client.js as follow

import { Cookies, SSRKeycloakProvider } from '@react-keycloak/ssr'

// Create a function to retrieve Keycloak configuration parameters -- 'see examples/razzle-app'
import { getKeycloakConfig } from './utils'

// 1. Wrap the App inside SSRKeycloakProvider
      <App />

Hook Usage

When a component requires access to Keycloak, you can use the useKeycloak Hook.

import { useKeycloak } from '@react-keycloak/ssr'

export default () => {
  const { keycloak, initialized } = useKeycloak()

  // Here you can access the current keycloak instance methods and variables...

  return (
      <div>{`User is ${
        !keycloak.authenticated ? 'NOT ' : ''

      {!!keycloak.authenticated && (
        <button type="button" onClick={() => keycloak.logout()}>


See inside examples/nextjs-app and examples/razzle-app folders of @react-keycloak/react-keycloak-examples repository for sample implementations.

Guides and Articles

  • Migration guide for @react-keycloak/ssr v2.x to v3.x can be found here MIGRATION.md.

Other Resources

Securing NextJS API

Whilst @react-keycloak/ssr can help you secure the Frontend part of a NextJS app if you also want to secure NextJS-exposed APIs you can follow the sample in this issue.

Thanks to @webdeb for reporting the issue and helping develop a solution.

External Usage (Advanced)

If you need to access keycloak instance from non-React files (such as sagas, utils, providers ...), you can retrieve the instance using the exported getKeycloakInstance() method.

The instance will be initialized by react-keycloak but you'll need to be carefull when using the instance, expecially server-side, and avoid setting/overriding any props, you can however freely access the exposed methods (such as refreshToken, login, etc...).

Note: This approach is NOT recommended on the server-side because can lead to token leakage issues (see this issue for more details).

Thanks to @webdeb for requesting this feature and helping develop and test the solution.


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



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