
1.0.2 • Public • Published


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Latest version released on npmjs
Latest version released on npmjs

Stable version 1.0.2

An elegant color selector solution for React Native apps. Clean and simple to implement.

Currently supported on following platforms:

iOS Android
iOS Screenshot Android Screenshot

Installation & Usage

To install this module cd to your project directory and enter the following command:

yarn add @react-native-d5m/rn-color-selector


npm install @react-native-d5m/rn-color-selector

Installing dependencies

In your project directory, run:

npm install @react-native-community/slider react-native-linear-gradient

NOTE: If using iOS please remember to install cocoapods by running: npx pod-install in your project directory.

The following code presents the 3 basic usage scenarios of this library:


Allows display of the color selector anywhere in your app. The color selector initially shows a default set of colors to choose from <ColorSelector />, or if the color wheel is selected, the <AdvancedColorSelector /> is displayed where the user can choose any color they desire, including typing in a color in all formats.

Wrap your app with the <ColorSelectorProvider> if you intend on using the useColorSelector

import { ColorSelectorProvider } from '@react-native-d5m/rn-color-selector';

return (
        <YourApp />

Use useColorSelector anywhere within your app

import { useColorSelector } from '@react-native-d5m/rn-color-selector';

const openColorSelector = useColorSelector();

const showColorSelector = () => {
        outputColor: (hexColor) => {
            // Do something with hexColor

<ColorSelector />

Allows display of the <ColorSelector /> where inserted into the code. This component initially shows a default set of colors to choose from <ColorSelector />, or if the color wheel is selected, the <AdvancedColorSelector /> is displayed where the user can choose any color they desire, including typing in a color in all formats.

import { ColorSelector } from '@react-native-d5m/rn-color-selector';

return (
            // Do something with hexColor

<AdvancedColorSelector />

Allows display of the <AdvancedColorSelector /> where inserted into the code. This component allows usage of only the color pad where the user can choose any color they desire, including typing in a color in all formats.

import { AdvancedColorSelector } from '@react-native-d5m/rn-color-selector';

return (
            // Do something with hexColor



Property Description Type Required Platform
outputColor Outputs the selected color with any color interaction in hex.

The useColorSelector accepts an object with 2 arguments, outputColor and onPressColor.

The outputColor argument is a function which passes the selected color to be used in hex. Both ColorSelector and AdvancedColorSelector colors are passed. (See usage example above.)
function No iOS, Android
onPressColor Used to get the selected color from a chosen color from the ColorSelector and the chosen color from the AdvancedColorSelector when the "Done" button is pressed.

The useColorSelector accepts an object with 2 arguments, outputColor and onPressColor.

The onPressColor argument is a string which passes the selected color to be used in hex. Both ColorSelector and AdvancedColorSelector colors are passed. (See usage example above.)
string No iOS, Android
colorSelectorStyle Object which sets the style of the <ColorSelector />. (e.g. Change the background color) object No iOS, Android
advancedColorSelectorStyle Object which sets the style of the the <AdvancedColorSelector />. (e.g. Change the background color) object No iOS, Android

<ColorSelector />

Property Description Type Required Platform
containerStyle Used to style and layout the <ColorSelector />. As per the name this only affect the style of the container which holds the color buttons. View.style No iOS, Android
titleStyle The text style (object) of the titles of the <ColorSelector />. bool No iOS, Android
cancelTitle The name of the "Cancel" button on the <ColorSelector />. Default is "Cancel". string No iOS, Android
shouldShowCancel Whether to show the "Cancel" button on <ColorSelector /> component.

Note: If onPressCancel is not given a function the "Cancel" button will also not show.
bool No iOS, Android
onPressCancel Callback that is called when the user presses the cancel button.

Note: If onPressCancel is not given a function the "Cancel" button will also not show.
function No iOS, Android
colorsArray An array of section color objects to show as the default colors plus additional sections such as "Saved Colors" and "Recents Colors". Default colors are provided if this property is null. Uses SectionList format for data. (See Reference colorsArray below for an example) array color No iOS, Android
useDefaultColors If true, default colors will be used in addtion to any colorsArray indicated via the colorsArray property. If false, the colorsArray property replaces the default colors. bool No iOS, Android
initialColor The initial color that will appear on the <AdvancedColorSelector /> when the color wheel is selected. string color No iOS, Android
onSelectColor Callback that is called wheneven a user selects a default color in the <ColorSelector /> or when the user selects a color on the <AdvancedColorSelector /> and the user presses "Done". Value passed is the selected color. function No iOS, Android
outputColor Callback that is called whenever a user selects a new color in the <ColorSelector /> or as the user is actively dragging their finger on the color pad in <AdvancedColorSelector />. Value passed is the selected color. function No iOS, Android

<AdvancedColorSelector />

Property Description Type Required Platform
containerStyle Used to style and layout the <AdvancedColorSelector />. As per the name this only affect the style of the container which holds the color buttons. View.style No iOS, Android
colorPadStyle Used to style and layout the color touch pad in <AdvancedColorSelector />. View.style No iOS, Android
shouldShowDone Whether to show the "Done" button on <AdvancedColorSelector /> component.

Note: If onPressDone is not given a function the "Done" button will also not show.
bool No iOS, Android
doneTitle The title of the "Done" button on the <AdvancedColorSelector />. Default is "Done". string No iOS, Android
onPressDone Callback that is called whe the "Done" button is pressed.

Note: If onPressDone is not given a function the "Done" button will also not show.
function No iOS, Android
height The height of the color pad on the <AdvancedColorSelector />. Default is 150. number No iOS, Android
onTextFocus Callback that is called when the user selects the <TextInput /> to type in a color. function No iOS, Android
onEndEditing Callback that is called when the user finishes entering a color in the <TextInput />. function No iOS, Android
initialColor The initial color that will appear on the color pad in the <AdvancedColorSelector /> component. string color No iOS, Android
outputColor Callback that is called as the user is actively dragging their finger on the color pad in <AdvancedColorSelector /> or when the user presses the "Done" button. Value passed is the selected color. string color No iOS, Android



colorsArray = {
            title: "Recent Colors",
            data: [
                    colors: [
            title: "Saved Colors",
            data: [
                    colors: [


When creating an issue please remember to specify the platform which the issue occurs on.



This module includes extracted module react-native-color and was updated to work with the latest versions of react native.

Created by Double5Media with CodeLove❤️...

@react-native-d5m/color-selector is an open source project and is free to use. If you found this module useful, please star it 🌟.

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