SSO package for RDP products
npm install @reddotpay/sso-connect
To be used with Vue 2.x and Vue-Router 3.x
Environment variables (build/
PARENT_DIR=$( pwd -P )
if [ "$1" == "prod" ]; then
in connect-src CSP
Create a few files below to use
Page to perform SSO token verification/exchange
export default {
name: 'auth',
mounted() {
const vue = this;
Page for callback URL from SSO after logging in
export default {
name: 'login',
mounted() {
const vue = this;
// omit vue.$router to use window.location for redirection
vue.$sso.doLogin(vue.$route, vue.$router);
Modify Router.js and add entry to routes
import Login from './views/login.vue'; // path to login.vue
import Auth from './views/auth.vue'; // path to auth.vue
routes: [
{ // callback URL from SSO after logging in
path: '/login',
component: Login,
name: 'login',
{ // URL to perform SSO token verification/exchange
path: '/auth',
component: Auth,
name: 'auth',
import Vue from 'vue';
import SSO from '@reddotpay/sso-connect';
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$sso', { value: SSO });
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// this line of code is to handle the hashed url properly, since we are not using history mode
if (window.location.pathname.length >= 2) {
window.location = `${window.location.origin}/#${window.location.pathname}${}`;
// the entry point for SSO
// SSO will redirect to optionalDefaultPath after login (/some-path)
SSO.init(to, from, router, optionalDefaultPath);
To logout
const vue = this;
// supply a callback function to doLogout for redirect
vue.$sso.doLogout(function() {
// vue.$router.push({ name: 'home' });
// vue.$router.push({ path: '/' });
To get user's data
export default {
mounted() {
const vue = this;
const userDataObj = vue.$sso.getSSOData();
sample userDataObj
"rdp_username": "", // email address of the user when signing up
"rdp_firstname": "test", // first name of the user when
"rdp_lastname": "test", // last name of the user
"rdp_company": "test", // companyID used to log in
"rdp_companyName": "test", // company name entered when user signs up
"rdp_groupID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // company UUID (used for MAM)
"rdp_role": "merchant-admin"|"merchant-staff" // role of user
"rdp_uuid": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // UUID of user (used for permissions etc)
"rdp_auth": "auth", // sso variables
"rdp_merchantID": "{ Staging: [merchantID1, merchantID2, ...] | '*',
Production: [merchantID1, merchantID2, ...] | '*'
}", "// array of MerchantID | or '*' ('*' represents all MerchantID) that this user has permission
"iat": xxxxxxxx, // sso variables
"iss": "xxxxx" // sso variables
To retrieve user data
const vue = this;
const userID = vue.$sso.getUserID(); // user unique identifier within the system
const userName = vue.$sso.getUserName(); // user email
const userFirstName = vue.$sso.getUserFirstName(); // user first name
const userLastName = vue.$sso.getUserLastName(); // user last name
const companyID = vue.$sso.getCompanyID(); // company ID used to log in to SSO
const companyName = vue.$sso.getCompanyName(); // company name entered by user when signing up
const companyGroupID = vue.$sso.getCompanyGroupID(); // company group ID tied to MAM and other services
const merchantID = vue.$sso.getMerchantID(); // Object of Staging & Production array of merchantIDs or *
const stagingMerchantID = vue.$sso.getMerchantIDStaging(); // array of staging merchantIDs
const productionMerchantID = vue.$sso.getMerchantIDProd(); // array of production merchantIDs
const userRole = vue.$sso.getUserRole(); // role of user
To get userToken
export default {
mounted() {
const vue = this;
const userDataObj = vue.$sso.getSSOToken();
To verify token / extend user session on backend
This should be run once per backend execution. ssojwt should be sent from frontend products to backend
productName field is used to retrieve ACL permissions
const sso = require('@reddotpay/sso-connect');
await sso.backendCheckSSO(ssojwt, 'productName'); // returns true or false
To extend user session
const sso = require('@reddotpay/sso-connect');
await sso.backendCheckSSO(ssojwt); // returns true or false
To read permissions
export default {
mounted() {
const vue = this;
const permissionsObj = vue.$sso.getPermissions();