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0.1.1 • Public • Published



The qx library is a state container based on queues. It provides a powerful way to manage the state of your application using a simple and intuitive API. The library is designed to be easy to use and flexible enough to handle a wide range of use cases.

One of the main goals of the qx library is to provide a way to manage the state of your application that is easy to reason about and test. The library is designed to be highly modular, allowing you to use only the parts of the library that you need. This makes it easy to integrate the library into your existing codebase and to customize it to meet your specific needs.




npm install --save @reframework/qx


yarn add @reframework/qx

How to use

Defining a store

A store is an object that holds the state of your application. You can define multiple stores using the makeStore method. The makeStore method takes the name of store and an initial state object as its arguments and returns a store object.

import { makeStore } from '@reframework/qx';

interface CounterState {
  count: number;

const store = makeStore<CounterState>({
  count: 0,

export const $counter = {
  // ...

Using a store

The useStore hook is used to access the state of a specific store from within a component. The useStore hook takes the store object as its argument and returns the current state of the store. You can use this state to render your component and update the UI based on changes to the state.

import { useStore } from '@reframework/qx';
import $counter from 'counter/store';

const store = useStore($counter.store);

Defining a selector

A selector is a function that takes the current state of the store as its input and returns a derived value. Selectors are used to compute derived data from the state of the store, allowing you to keep your state normalized and avoid unnecessary recomputations.

import { makeSelector } from '@reframework/qx';

const count = makeSelector(store, (state) => state.count);

export $counter = {
  // ...

Using selectors

The useSelector hook is used to access the value of a selector from within a component.

import { useSelector } from '@reframework/qx';
import $counter from './counterStore';

const Counter = () => {
  const count = useSelector($counter.count);

  return <div>Count: {count}</div>;

Defining methods

The makeMethod function is used to define a method that can be called on a store object. A method is a function that operates on the state of the store and can be used to update the state in a predictable and consistent way.

When defining a method using makeMethod, it is important to follow the principles of immutability and purity. This means that the method should not modify the original state object, but instead should return a new state object that reflects the updated state of the store.

import { makeMethod } from '@refamework/qx';

const increment = makeMethod(store, (state) => {
  return {
    count: state.count + 1,

const decrement = makeMethod(store, (state) => {
  return {
    count: state.count - 1,

export $counter = {
  // ...,

Using methods

import { useSelector } from '@reframework/qx';
import $counter from './counterStore';

const Counter = () => {
  const count = useSelector($counter.count);

  return (
      <h1>Count: {count}</h1>
      <button onClick={$counter.increment}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={$counter.decrement}>Decrement</button>

Full example

// store.ts

import { makeStore, makeSelector, makeMethod } from '@reframework/qx';

interface CounterState {
  count: number;

const store = makeStore<CounterState>({
  count: 0,

const increment = makeMethod(store, (state) => {
  return {
    count: state.count + 1,

const decrement = makeMethod(store, (state) => {
  return {
    count: state.count - 1,

const setCount = makeMethod(store, (state, count: number) => {
  return {
    count: count,

export const $counter = {
// Counter.tsx

import { useSelector } from '@reframework/qx';
import $counter from './counterStore';

const Counter = () => {
  const count = useSelector($counter.count);

  return (
      <h1>Count: {count}</h1>
      <button onClick={$counter.increment}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={$counter.decrement}>Decrement</button>
      <button onClick={() => $counter.setCount(Math.random())}>
        Set random

Other api

  • makeEvent,
  • useEmit,
  • emit,
  • getSnapshot,
  • setSnapshot,
  • getState
  • setState





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