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Accelerator Images is a feature of Ring Accelerator that allows you to serve transformed and optimized images. When processing an incoming request, the Ring Accelerator Images variant recognizes transformation parameters encoded in the request's path and applies them to the original image. The original image is fetched from a location pointed by website's developer. It can be a S3 bucket, a legacy OCDN bucket, or an external domain that hosts images.

This library is a helper for Ring Accelerator Images users. It provides a set of utilities to define image transformations and encode them into a URL that can be used in the website's HTML.


Quick start

Using Accelerator Images variant and S3 bucket

Let's suppose that you have a content website example.com. that serves content with images. Accelerator Images variant will help you to serve optimized images from a separate domain, e.g. images.example.com.

First, you need to configure your Accelerator Images variant. You can do it by following the official documentation. In order for the imageQuality('auto') and imageFormat('auto') to work properly, in the variant configuration, enable smart features. Accelerator Images variant will fetch original images that are stored in your S3 bucket, apply transformations and serve them to downstream.

import { AcceleratorImage } from '@ringpublishing/accelerator-images';

const image = new AcceleratorImage({
    originalImageUrl: 's3://some-s3-bucket/images/d5b8348d9bbfce94534d66db1f330f44.jpg',
    transformationKey: 'abc',
    transformationHost: 'images.example.com'
    .resize(10, 10)

const url = image.getUrl();

Using Accelerator Images variant and images from an external domain

If you don't want to store images in your S3 bucket, or your original images are provided by your CRM as a URL to some external domain, you can still use Accelerator Images variant to serve optimized images.

The variant configuration is going to be the same as in the previous example. The only difference is that you need to provide the original image URL in AcceleratorImage constructor, instead of a S3 URI.

import { AcceleratorImage } from '@ringpublishing/accelerator-images';

const image = new AcceleratorImage({
    originalImageUrl: 'https://example.com/images/d5b8348d9bbfce94534d66db1f330f44.jpg',
    transformationKey: 'abc',
    transformationHost: 'images.example.com'
    .resize(10, 10)

const url = image.getUrl();

Easy image optimization or "empty" transformation

Sometimes you do not want to transform an image, but you still want to host it via Accelerator Images variant to benefit from its cache. The easiest way to do that would be to use something like an "empty" transformation, so that Accelerator will cache the "transformed" image and serve it from Accelerator's long-TTL cache that is used for transformed images.

The best choice in such situation would be to use imageQuality('auto'). It won't apply any transformations that will affect images' size or orientation. It will however optimize the image's quality by dynamically choosing the best quality preset depending on the network conditions reported by the end-user's browser.

import { AcceleratorImage } from '@ringpublishing/accelerator-images';

const image = new AcceleratorImage({
    originalImageUrl: 's3://some-s3-bucket/images/d5b8348d9bbfce94534d66db1f330f44.jpg',
    transformationKey: 'abc',
    transformationHost: 'images.example.com'

const optimizedImageUrl = image.getUrl();

Parse a transformation URL and decode its parameters

Suppose that you have a URL to a transformed image, and you want to decode its parameters.

import { AcceleratorImage } from '@ringpublishing/accelerator-images';

const transformationUrl = 'https://images.example.com/1/hdDk9k_czM6Ly9zb21lLXMzLWJ1Y2tldC9pbWFnZXMvZDViODM0OGQ5YmJmY2U5NDUzNGQ2NmRiMWYzMzBmNDQuanBnk5UCCgrDw5IAAZEE3gABoTTD' // This is the URL we want to decode
const transformationKey = 'abc'; // You need to know the transformation key that was used to encode the URL.

const image = AcceleratorImage.fromTransformationUrl(transformationUrl, transformationKey);

Legacy OCDN buckets

If you are using a legacy OCDN bucket, you can use the LegacyImage class to define transformations.

LegacyImage generates valid OCDN v3 compliant transformation URLs, however it encodes the original image in a different way, so the resulting URL will be different compared to a URL generated with the legacy dl-ocdn library. These two transformed images will be exactly the same but once you switch from dl-ocdn to @ringpublishing/accelerator-images, Accelerator will regenerate the transformation.

You have to keep in mind that this library supports only OCDN v3 format. The old OCDN v2 format is not supported.

import { LegacyImage } from '@ringpublishing/accelerator-images';

const image = new LegacyImage({
    originalImageUrl: 'https://ocdn.eu/pulscms/MDA_/987654321qwerty.jpg',
    transformationKey: 'abc'

image.resizeCropAuto(210, 370);
const url = image.getUrl();

Development and contributing

See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information about how to contribute to this project.


If you're having problems with this library, please contact support@ringpublishing.com.

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