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1.2.28 • Public • Published

ROIT Data Firestore

Connect to firestore in a very easy and standardized way, using typescript and optionally NestJs

Usage Simple Example

Model Class

To validate the model use class-validator, in execute create or update operation the rules will be validated

export class User {
    id: string

    name: string

    age: number

Repository Class

import { Query } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
import { Repository } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
import { BaseRepository } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
import { User } from "./model/User";
import { Paging } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";

    collection: 'fb-data-test',
    validateModel: User
// If use nest @Injectable()
export class Repository1 extends BaseRepository<User> {
    findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>

    @Query({ oneRow: true })
    findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number, paging?: Paging) => Promise<User | undefined>

    findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>

    @Query({ select: ['name', 'age'] })
    findByAge: (age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>


import { Repository, Query, Cacheable } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";


The anotation Repository is responsible for register context from operator

    collection: 'collection', // Firestore collection name
    validateModel: Model // ref model from validate


The anotation Query is responsible from invoker the dynamic query creator and initialize implementation

findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>


The anotation Cacheable is responsible from handler storage data in cache, local or using provider

    excludesMethods: [ // Excludes methods not to store data (optional, default [])
    cacheOnlyContainResults: true, // Cache data only query return value (optional, default true)
    cacheProvider: CacheProviders.LOCAL, // REDIS or LOCAL  (optional, default 'Local')
    includeOnlyMethods: [] // Includes only the methods that will be stored (optional, default []),
    cacheExpiresInSeconds: 60 // Cache expiration in seconds
Cache environment variables
Environment variable Description Default value
firestore.cache.redisUrl Ex: redis://localhost:63279
firestore.cache.timeout Timeout to Redis response (ms) 2000
firestore.cache.reconnectInSecondsAfterTimeout Time to try to reconnect after Redis timeout (s) 30
firestore.debug Toggle debugging logs false

BaseRepository and ReadonlyRepository

To standardize the BaseRepository already provides the common methods for implementation

import { BaseRepository, Query, ReadonlyRepository } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";

export abstract class BaseRepository<T> {

    findAll: (paging?: Paging) => Promise<T[]>

    findById: (id: Required<string>) => Promise<T | undefined>

    create: (item: T | Array<T>) => Promise<Array<T>>

    update: (items: T | Array<T>) => Promise<Array<T>>

    createOrUpdate: (items: T | Array<T>) => Promise<Array<T>>

    updatePartial: (id: Required<string>, itemPartial: Partial<T>) => Promise<void>

    delete: (id: Required<string> | Array<string>) => Promise<Array<string>>

    incrementField: (id: Required<string>, field: Required<string>, increment?: number) => Promise<void>

When you only need to read a collection, use ReadonlyRepository

export abstract class ReadonlyRepository<T> {

    findAll: (paging?: Paging) => Promise<T[]>

    findById: (id: string) => Promise<T> | undefined

Dynamic query contractor

The dynamic construction of a query allows a method to be described in a standardized way and the library dynamically creates the concrete implementation

Ref: Firstore Operators

Supported keywords inside method

Keyword Sample Query
Iqual findByLastNameIqual or findByLastName .where('lastName', '==', value)
LessThan findByAgeLessThan .where('age', '<', value)
LessThanEqual findByMonthLessThanEqual .where('month', '<=', value)
GreaterThan findByAgeUserGreaterThan .where('ageUser', '>', value)
GreaterThanEqual findByAgeAppleGreaterThanEqual .where('ageApple', '>=', value)
Different findByLastNameDifferent .where('lastName', '!=', value)
ArrayContains findByCitysArrayContains .where('citys', 'array-contains', value)
ArrayContainsAny findByCitysArrayContainsAny .where('citys', 'array-contains-any', value)
In findByCitysIn .where('citys', 'in', value)
NotIn findByFrangosNotIn .where('frangos', 'not-in', value)
OrderBy Desc findByNameAndOrderByNameDesc .where('name', '==', value).orderBy("name", "desc")
OrderBy Asc findByNameAndOrderByNameAsc .where('name', '==', value).orderBy("name", "asc")
Limit findByNameAndLimit10 .where('name', '==', value).limit(10)


// When called example findByName('anyUser') result in query .where('name', '==', 'anyUser')
findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>

// When called example findByNameAndAge('anyUser', 15) result in query .where('name', '==', 'anyUser').where('age', '==', 15)
findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>

// When called example findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc('anyUser', 15) result in query .where('name', '==', 'anyUser').where('age', '==', 15).orderBy("id", "desc")
findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>

Paging support

For any query it is possible to pass the paging information

Paging option

orderBy?: string = 'id'

orderByDirection?: Direction = 'asc'

cursor?: string | null = null

limit: number = 1000


Any query

findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>

Any query with paging

findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number, paging?: Paging) => Promise<Array<User>>

Manual Query

Use query() method preset in BaseRepository

findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
    return this.query([
            field: 'name',
            operator: '==',
            value: name
            field: 'id',
            operator: '==',
            value: id


findByNameAndId2(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
    return this.query([{ name }, { id }])

Full example

export class Repository1 extends BaseRepository<User> {

    findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>

    findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number, paging?: Paging) => Promise<Array<User>>

    findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>

    findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
        return this.query([
                field: 'name',
                operator: '==',
                value: name
                field: 'id',
                operator: '==',
                value: id

    findByNameAndId2(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
        return this.query([{ name }, { id }])

Paginated Query

Use queryPaginated() method preset in BaseRepository

findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string, paging: Paging): Promise<QueryResult<User>> {
    return this.queryPaginated({
        query: [
                field: 'name',
                operator: '==',
                value: name
                field: 'id',
                operator: '==',
                value: id

The return of this method is a QueryResult:

class QueryResult<T = any> {
    data: T[];
    totalItens: number | null;

Select Example

@Query({ select: ['name', 'id'] })
findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>

findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
    return this.query({
        query:[{name}, {id}],
        select: ['name']

Firestore read auditing with Big Query

GCP Firestore does not provide a way to visualize the number of reads per collection, so with this functionality it is possible to save all the reads of a Firestore collection into a BigQuery table or dispatch to a PubSub topic for further analysis.

Example (using env.yaml):

    projectId: 'gcp-project-id'
        enable: true
        endAt: '2023-01-19 15:02:10' (optional - after this date, the audit will stop)
        provider: 'PubSub' // PubSub or BigQuery (PubSub is the default option)
        pubSubTopic: 'your-topic'

TTL Option

Firestore supports automatic data cleaning

    collection: `collection`,
    validateModel: Model,
    ttl: {
        expirationIn: 3,
        unit: 'days',
        ttlUpdate: false

in data document there is create attribute ttlExpirationAt




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