Build interactive terminal apps using reactive tagged template literals.
Powered by rtmpl
npm install @rtmpl/terminal --save
Greeting the world
Show code
import {Terminal, animate} from '@rtmpl/terminal';
import {TemplateNode} from 'rtmpl';
const placeholderNode = TemplateNode.create``;
animate(placeholderNode, {
frames: ['∙∙∙∙∙', '●∙∙∙∙', '∙●∙∙∙', '∙∙●∙∙', '∙∙∙●∙', '∙∙∙∙●', '∙∙∙∙∙'],
interval: 125,
const salutationNode = TemplateNode.create`${placeholderNode}`;
const subjectNode = TemplateNode.create`${placeholderNode}`;
const close = Terminal.open(
TemplateNode.create`${salutationNode}, ${subjectNode}!`
setTimeout(() => salutationNode.update`Hello`, 875);
setTimeout(() => subjectNode.update`World`, 875 * 2);
setTimeout(close, 875 * 2);
Prompting the user
Show code
import {Terminal, animate} from '@rtmpl/terminal';
import {fingerDance} from 'cli-spinners';
import {TemplateNode} from 'rtmpl';
const spinnerNode = TemplateNode.create``;
animate(spinnerNode, fingerDance);
const usernameNode = TemplateNode.create`Please enter your name ${spinnerNode}`;
const close = Terminal.open(usernameNode);
.then((username) => usernameNode.update`Hello, ${username || 'stranger'}!`)
Listing tasks (as withShow code
import {Terminal, animate} from '@rtmpl/terminal';
import {green, red, yellow} from 'chalk';
import {star2} from 'cli-spinners';
import {TemplateNode, TemplateNodeList} from 'rtmpl';
const taskNodeList = new TemplateNodeList({separator: '\n'});
const close = Terminal.open(taskNodeList.node);
doSomeTask(taskNodeList, 'foo', 2000),
doSomeTask(taskNodeList, 'bar', 3000),
doSomeTask(taskNodeList, 'baz', 1000),
async function doSomeTask(nodeList, title, duration) {
const spinnerNode = TemplateNode.create``;
animate(spinnerNode, {
frames: star2.frames.map((frame) => yellow(frame)),
const node = nodeList.add` ${spinnerNode} ${title}`;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => (title === 'bar' ? reject() : resolve()), duration);
.then(() => node.update` ${green('✔')} ${title}`)
.catch(() => node.update` ${red('✖')} ${title}`);
return promise;
class Terminal {
static get instance(): Terminal | undefined;
static open(node: TemplateNode<unknown>): () => void;
prompt(): Promise<string>;
function animate<TFrame>(
node: TemplateNode<TFrame>,
animation: Animation<TFrame>
): () => void;
interface Animation<TFrame> {
readonly frames: readonly TFrame[];
readonly interval: number;
readonly nonTTY?: boolean;
Copyright 2021 Clemens Akens. All rights reserved. MIT license.