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0.16.0 • Public • Published


A library for defining codecs that can safely translate between runtime and over-the-wire types, helping you build more robust systems in TypeScript.


Everything in @salus-js/codec revolves around a Codec. Codecs have a generic type signature of Codec<RuntimeType, WireType> where RuntimeType is the data type that the application consumes at runtime, and WireType is the type in its serialized form. The codec is responsible for safely converting between those two types.

The most simple codecs are primitives, such as t.string which is a Codec<string, string>. In other words, it takes a string and translates it to a string (itself!). Let's see an example:

import { t } from '@salus-js/codec'

console.log(t.string.encode('Hello World')) // prints: Hello World

You can always access the runtime and wire types of codecs by using the included type helpers. This will become very important as we see later.

import { t, TypeOf, OutputOf } from '@salus-js/codec'

type ApplicationType = TypeOf<typeof t.string> // string
type WireType = OutputOf<typeof t.string> // string

The real power of Codcs, though, is when you're decoding unknown or untrusted data.

import { t } from '@salus-js/codec'

const result = t.string.decode(123)
if (result.success) {
} else {
  console.log(`error: ${result.errors[0].message}`)

// Prints: error: must be a string

Using the decoding functionality, you can transform untrusted data from an IO boundary (such as an HTTP request) into trusted, statically typed data in your application.


Salus includes a number of codecs out of the box.


First, Salus supports all the following TypeScript primitives:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • null
  • undefined


The most common codec included in Salus is the Object codec. Object codecs define an object consisting of multiple properties, each of which is, in turn, another codec. Here's an example:

import { t, TypeOf } from '@salus-js/codec'

const User = t.object({
  firstName: t.string,
  lastName: t.string

type User = TypeOf<typeof User> // { firstName: string; lastName: string; }


You can also describe arrays which map to their TypeScript equivalent

import { t, TypeOf } from '@salus-js/codec'

const User = t.object({
  firstName: t.string,
  lastName: t.string

const Users = t.array(User)
type Users = TypeOf<typeof Users> // Array<{ firstName: string; lastName: string; }>


Salus also includes support for encoding and decoding string-based TypeScript enums (note that only string enums are supported)

import { t, TypeOf } from '@salus-js/codec'

enum Status {
  ACTIVE = 'active',
  INACTIVE = 'inactive'

const User = t.object({
  id: t.string,
  status: t.enum(Status)

type UserStatus = TypeOf<typeof Users> // Array<{ id: string; status: Status; }>


By default, all object properties are required. Salues will throw an error when decoding an object if any properties are missing values. You can, however, make any codec optional. This allows undefined to be successfully parsed, and updates the static definition of the containing object to make the property optional. Let's see an example

import { t } from '@salus-js/codec'

const createUserParameters = t.partial({
  firstName: t.string.optional()

type CreateUserParameters = TypeOf<typeof createUserParameters> // { firstName?: string | undefined }

createUserParameters.decode({}) // passes with {}
createUserParameters.decode({ firstName: 'Salus' }) // passes with { firstName: 'Salus' }

Lazy (Recursive Types)

Ocassionally, you'll need to be able to create recursive types. While this is easy using the TypeScript types, it's a little trickier in code. Salus supports a lazy codec that allows you to create these recursive types. It is, unfortunately, a little more verbose than other types, but it's usually much less frequently used.

import { t } from '@salus-js/codec'

const jsonValue = t.union([
  t.array(t.lazy(() => jsonValue),
  t.record(t.string, t.lazy(() => jsonValue))

Custom Codecs

While Salus comes with a number of pre-built codecs out of the box, sometimes you'll want to write your own. Let's look at a custom codec that converts a Date to its Unix timestamp

import { Codec, Context, failure, success, Validation } from '@salus-js/codec'

export class TimestampCodec extends Codec<Date, number> {
  readonly _tag = 'TimestampCodec' as const

  protected is(value: unknown, context: Context = Context.create(this)): value is Date {
    return value instanceof Date

  protected encode(value: Date, context: Context = Context.create(this)): string {
    return Math.round(value.getTime() / 1000)

  protected decode(value: unknown, context: Context = Context.create(this)): Validation<Date> {
    if (typeof value !== 'number') {
      return failure(context, value, 'must be a valid timestamp')

    return success(new Date(value * 1000))


Typically, decoding is the main usage of @salus-js/codec. In order to decode, you simply call .decode() on any codec instance, and pass it your unknown/untrusted data. Salus will return back one of the following:

interface Success<T> {
  success: true
  value: T

interface Failure {
  success: false
  errors: ValidationError[]

Because Salus uses a tagged union, the compiler can be smart about making sure you've checked the result of your decode operation.

cosnt result = t.string.decode(123)
if (!result.success) {

// TS knows that decoding was successful, and now you can use `result.value`


Salus attempts to log errors that are designed to be shown to users in the event of a failure. However, it also includes all the information you need to customize the error if you'd like. Each ValidationError has the following attributes:

  • path - the path to the attribute that caused the rror
  • codec - the codec that raised the error
  • value - the value that failed to validate
  • message - the message that the codec generated


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