TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.1 • Public • Published

Rust-like items for TypeScript



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Option<T> type with possible absent value

Option<T> {
  unwrap(): T
  unwrapOr(value: any): T
  unwrapOrElse(exp: () => any): any
const foo: Option<string> = some("some value");
const bar: Option<string> = none();

Result<T, E> provides a way to handle errors and unknown causes

Result<T, E> {
  isOk(): boolean
  isErr(): boolean
  err(): Option<E>
  ok(): Option<T>
  expect(message: string): T | E
  expectErr(): E | T
  unwrap(): T | E
  unwrapErr(): T | E
  unwrapOr<V>(value: V): V | T
  unwrapOrElse<R>(exp:() => R): T | R
  unwrapOrDefault<D>(exp:() => D): T | E | D
function eq<T>(lhsValue: T, rhsValue: T): Result<EqResult<T>, boolean> {

  const rsl = match(cmp(lhsValue, rhsValue), () => [
    [1, () => true],
    [-1, () => false]
  ], () => false);
  return rsl ? ok({eq: rsl, lhs: lhsValue, rhs: rhsValue}) : err(rsl);

const result = eq("hello", "helo with typo");

result.isOk() // false


match<V, T>(value: V, armExp: (value: V | ReturnType<typeof unwrap>) => Array<[V, () => T]>, defaultArmExp: (value: V | ReturnType<typeof unwrap>) => T): T

match(targetValue, (targetValueAlsoHere) => [
   [value 1, () => do some ],
   [value 2, () => do some ],
   [value 3, () => do some ],
   ...matchGroup([value 7, value 8, value 9], () => do some for all and spread it)
], (targetValueAlsoHere) => default some)
const result = match<<Option<string>, string>(foo, (fooValue) => [
  [some(fooValue),  () => fooValue],
  [none(), () => "None wraps null to satisfy typechecker"],
], sameFooParameterForDefault => sameFooParameterForDefault)

console.log(result) // some value


It's the same match and consider branch function like extended version of ternary operator.
branch(value, (v) => [...values to match, () => {...possible execution}], (v) => {...default execution})

branch(ok("foo"), (v) => ["foo", "baz", ok(v), () => console.log("baz or " + v)], (e) => err(e).expect("bar!!!"));


const { None, Some } = Options;

function testEnum(variant: Options) {
  variant() // call variant after to get value;

testEnum(None); // typechecker is happy
testEnum( () => Some({a: 1}) ); // if you need to pass a value to variant then wrap it in another function
testEnum( variant(Some([1, 2, 3]))); // or use variant() for the same purpose

How to create Rust-like enum behavior with TypeScript

class Options extends Function {
  static Some<T>(value: T) { return some(value) }
  static None<T>() { return none<T>() }

  static Foo() { return Options.Foo.name }

Another approach with generics. And it's a bit boilerplate. As an option you might implement Enum<T> to force to have public readonly field variant and also for clarity

class MyEnum<T = string> implements Enum<T> {
  constructor(readonly variant: T) {}

  static Foo(): MyEnum {
    return new MyEnum(MyEnum.Foo.name);

  static Bar<V>(value: V): MyEnum<V> {
    return new MyEnum(value);

function testEnumWithGeneric(value: MyEnum<Object>) {

function testEnumWithDefaultGeneric(value: MyEnum) {




If you need chain some code and you don't want to write (function() { ... })() consider expression functions

exp(() => {
  // some statements;
  // return expression if need

exp((six) => {

  six.unwrap() + "6";
}, some(6)) // exp() with Option<T> value

Imagine too long condition you need to reuse and also don't want to create another variable for it

ifExp((con) => {
   if (con) {
     if (con && 2 + 2 === 4) {
      // ...
}, [{}, Object] === "[object Object]" || 87 < 800 && Array.isArray(Function()) || !amIhungry

Check some more other expression constructions that might be useful

Nothing it's sort of empty unit () in Rust

const getMeSomeValue: Nothing = nothing();

Or create Nothing in from null, undefined etc

const x: Nothing = Nothig.from(value: NothingKind);
NothingKind {
  dirty: Option<undefined | null>
  empty: Option<0 | "" | {} | []>
  error: boolean // true by default


0.1.1 (February 3, 2024)

replace purge with Nothing API matchGroup for matching more than one value

0.0.9 (November 11, 2023)


  • added branch function as shorthand version of match

0.0.8 (November 10, 2023)


  • fixed Rhs to Lhs as Lhs to Rhs
  • optimized condition flow


  • multi-value arm expression with single execution


  • unwrap always returns a value of ok and err


  • updated function API


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