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Green Core is a carefully crafted set of Web Components that lays the foundation for the Green Design System.


yarn install @sebgroup/green-core

# or use npm
npm install @sebgroup/green-core


There are three main ways you can use Green Core:

  • With Lit
  • With Angular
  • With React

But that said, the components in Green Core are just regular Web Components, so you can use them with or without any framework.

Using Lit

import { css, customElement, LitElement } from 'lit'

// Transitional styles applies the current 2016 design language to the components
import * as ButtonStyles from '@sebgroup/green-core/components/button/button.trans.styles.js'
// This custom `html` template literal tag from Green Core extends the default `lit-html` tag to handle element version scoping.
import { html } from '@sebgroup/green-core/scoping'

// Import the components that you need
import '@sebgroup/green-core/components/button/index.js'

export class MyApp extends LitElement {
  static styles = css``

  connectedCallback() {

    // Register transitional styles to get SEB's current visual design

  render() {
    return html`<gds-button>Click me!</gds-button>`

Using Angular

Angular has support for using web components directly in the template. To enable it, you need to do the following:

Add the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA in the module where you plan to use the components. It is recommended to add this as locally as possible, only on the moduls/components where you need it, and not in the app module.

You also need the NggCoreWrapperModule from @sebgroup/green-angular.

In your module:

import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core'
import { NggCoreWrapperModule } from '@sebgroup/green-angular'

    // Add the NggCoreWrapperModule to the `imports` array
    imports: [NggCoreWrapperModule],
    // Add the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA to the `schemas` array

In your component:

import '@sebgroup/green-core/components/button/index.js'

// Transitional styles
import * as ButtonStyles from '@sebgroup/green-core/components/button/button.trans.styles.js'


Use the webcomponent in your template with the *nggCoreElement directive.

In your template:

<gds-button *nggCoreElement>Click me!</gds-button>

The *nggCoreElement directive comes from the NggCoreWrapperModule you imported above. It has the same pupose as the custom html template tag mentioned in the Lit example above: It handles custom element scoping for you.

Using React

In most cases, we already exort React wrappers for these components from the @sebgroup/green-react package. In those cases you can just use those. But you can also easily create your own wrappers using @lit/react.

Here is an example:

import React from 'react'
import { createComponent } from '@lit/react'

import { GdsButton } from '@sebgroup/green-core/component/button/index.js'
import * as ButtonStyles from '@sebgroup/green-core/components/button/button.trans.styles.js'
import { getScopedTagName } from '@sebgroup/green-core/scoping'


export const Button = createComponent({
  tagName: getScopedTagName('gds-button'),
  elementClass: GdsButton,
  react: React,
  events: { onClick: 'click' }, // Event callbacks need to be explicitly mapped to DOM events

Then you can just use <Button /> like a regular React component.


Check out the Storybook (@sebgroup/core) for components and documentation.




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  • sebopensource
  • johanobrink
  • vsjolander