
1.0.1 • Public • Published


npm npm

This work is forked from https://github.com/SenorFernando/homebridge-garage-remote-http.

Fixed a bug, hard coded "GET", logging to DEBUG only and statusURL body


This homebridge plugin exposes a web-based garage opener to Apple's HomeKit. Using simple HTTP requests, the plugin allows you to open/close the garage. Updated version allows to specify additional data when calling for a status update.


  1. Install homebridge
  2. Install this plugin: npm install -g homebridge-garage-remote-http
  3. Update your config.json


"accessories": [
       "accessory": "GarageDoorOpener",
       "name": "Garage",
       "openURL": "http://myurl.com/open",
       "closeURL": "http://myurl.com/close",
       "openTime": "30",
       "closeTime": "30",
       "autoLock": "true",
       "autoLockDelay": "30",
       "switchOff": "true",
       "switchOffDelay": "5"


Key Description Default
accessory Must be GarageDoorOpener N/A
name Name to appear in the Home app N/A
openURL URL to trigger the opening of your garage N/A
closeURL URL to trigger the closing of your garage N/A

Optional fields

Key Description Default
openTime Time (in seconds) to simulate your garage opening 10
closeTime Time (in seconds) to simulate your garage closing 10
autoLock Whether your garage should auto-close after being opened false
autoLockDelay Time (in seconds) until your garage will automatically close (if enabled) 20
switchOff Closes the garage immediately without animation. For IR remote control use. false
switchOffDelay Time (in seconds) until your garage will automatically close without animation (if enabled) 2
polling Whether the state should be polled at intervals false
pollInterval Time (in seconds) between device polls (if polling is enabled) 120
statusURL URL to retrieve state on poll (should return 0 or 1) N/A
statusURLBody Additional information to pass along with status URL query N/A

Additional options

Key Description Default
timeout Time (in milliseconds) until the accessory will be marked as Not Responding if it is unreachable 3000
http_method HTTP method used to communicate with the device GET
username Username if HTTP authentication is enabled N/A
password Password if HTTP authentication is enabled N/A
model Appears under the Model field for the accessory plugin
serial Appears under the Serial field for the accessory version
manufacturer Appears under the Manufacturer field for the accessory author
firmware Appears under the Firmware field for the accessory version

State key

State Description
0 Open
1 Closed


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