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7.0.0 • Public • Published


Utility to work with Docker version of LibreOffice in Lambda


$ yarn add @shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice


  • Includes CJK and X11 fonts bundled in the base Docker image!
  • Relies on the latest LibreOffice 7.4 version which is not stripped down from features as a previous layer-based version of this package
  • Requires node.js 16x runtime (x86_64)


Lambda Docker Image

First, you need to create a Docker image for your Lambda function. See the example at libreoffice-lambda-base-image repo.


FROM public.ecr.aws/shelf/lambda-libreoffice-base:7.6-node18-x86_64


RUN yarn install

CMD [ "handler.handler" ]

Lambda Configuration

  • At least 3008 MB of RAM is recommended
  • At least 45 seconds of Lambda timeout is necessary
  • For larger files support, you can extend Lambda's /tmp space using the ephemeral-storage parameter
  • Set environment variable HOME to /tmp

Usage (For version 4.x; based on a Lambda Docker Image)

Given you have packaged your Lambda function as a Docker image, you can now use this package:

const {convertTo, canBeConvertedToPDF} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice');

module.exports.handler = async () => {
  // assuming there is a document.docx file inside /tmp dir
  // original file will be deleted afterwards

  // it is optional to invoke this function, you can skip it if you're sure about file format
  if (!canBeConvertedToPDF('document.docx')) {
    return false;

  return convertTo('document.docx', 'pdf'); // returns /tmp/document.pdf

Usage (For version 3.x; based on a Lambda Layer)

This version requires Node 12.x or higher.

NOTE: Since version 2.0.0 npm package no longer ships the 85 MB LibreOffice but relies upon libreoffice-lambda-layer instead. Follow the instructions on how to add a lambda layer in that repo.

const {convertTo, canBeConvertedToPDF} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice');

module.exports.handler = async () => {
  // assuming there is a document.docx file inside /tmp dir
  // original file will be deleted afterwards

  if (!canBeConvertedToPDF('document.docx')) {
    return false;

  return convertTo('document.docx', 'pdf'); // returns /tmp/document.pdf

Or if you want more control:

const {unpack, defaultArgs} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-libreoffice');

await unpack(); // default path /tmp/instdir/program/soffice.bin

  `/tmp/instdir/program/soffice.bin ${defaultArgs.join(
    ' '
  )} --convert-to pdf file.docx --outdir /tmp`


  • Please allocate at least 3008 MB of RAM for your Lambda function.
  • If some file fails to be converted to PDF, try converting it to PDF on your computer first. This might be an issue with LibreOffice itself

See Also


Beside unit tests that could be run via yarn test, there are integration tests.

Smoke test that it works:

cd test

# copy converted PDF file from container to the host to see if it's ok
export CID=$(cat ./cid)
docker cp $CID:/tmp/test.pdf ./test.pdf


$ git checkout master
$ yarn version
$ yarn publish
$ git push origin master --tags


MIT © Shelf

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