Vue component library for admin interfaces. Used in sv-auth and Barberstock re-write.
Necessary Dependencies
Your projects package.json file will need to install the following packages and allow them to be accessible by your webpack bundle system.
- vue
- jsvalidator
Module List/Form loading
When list and form modules are loaded we check a specific folder for their existance. In order for this to work you will need to set a webpack alias for
- SV_VUE_UI_FORMMODULEPATH - The path to locate form modules.
- SV_VUE_UI_LISTMODULEPATH - The path to locate list modules.
resolve: {
alias: {
'@modules' : `${__dirname}/modules`,
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
SV_VUE_UI_FORMMODULEPATH : JSON.stringify("@modules"),
SV_VUE_UI_LISTMODULEPATH : JSON.stringify("@modules")
- Publish -
sudo npm run publish -- SEMVER