
10.4.0 • Public • Published

Boilerplate for creating new theme for you Sitecore site.

For using Autosynchronizer, you need to complete next steps:

  1. Download theme boilerplate;

  2. Open PathToInstance/Website/App_Config/Include/z.Feature.Overrides (in previous version of Sitecore it can be PathToInstance/Website/App_Config/Include/Feature) folder and remove .disabled from z.SPE.Sync.Enabler.Gulp.config.disabled file;

  3. Switch to downloaded theme boilerplate folder

  4. Update config file for Gulp tasks. ThemeRoot/gulp/config.js file:

    1. serverOptions.server - path to sitecore instance. Example server: 'http://sxa';
  5. If you use Creative exchange skip this step. Open ThemeRoot/gulp/serverConfig.json

    1. serverOptions.projectPath - path to project, where theme placed. Example projectPath: '/themes';
    2. serverOptions.themePath - path to basic theme folder from project root. Example themePath: '/Basic2';
  6. Open Theme root folder with command line.

  7. Run npm install (node.js and npm should be already installed);

  8. If gulp is not yet installed - Install gulp using following command: npm install --global gulp-cli

  9. Run gulp task which you need:
    Global tasks:

    1. gulp default or just gulp - starts gulp all-watch.
    2. gulp all-watch - run a list of tasks:

    For SASS

    1. gulp sass-watch - run a list of tasks: watch-component watch-base watch-styles watch-dependency
    2. gulp sassComponents - to compile sass styles just for components;
    3. gulp sassStyles - to compile sass additional styles for component;
    4. gulp watch-styles - watch changes under sass/styles/common , sass/styles/content-alignment , sass/styles/layout folders and compile all of them to styles/styles.css;
    5. gulp watch-base - watch on changes under sass/abstracts/, sass/base/ , sass/components folders and run compiling of components and styles;
    6. gulp watch-component - watch changes of component styles under sass folder and compile them to styles folder;
    7. gulp watch-dependency - watch changes under sass/styles/ (exluded sass/styles/common , sass/styles/content-alignment , sass/styles/layout) and compile appropriate component;

    For CSS

    1. gulp css-watch - watch on changes of css files under stytles folder and upload them to server;

    For JavaScript:

    1. gulp eslint - run eslint for all js in scripts folder;
    2. gulp js-watch - watch on changes of js files under scripts folder and upload them to server;
    3. gulp es-watch - watch on changes of ES6+ js files under sources folder and upload them to server;

    For HTML (if you work with creative exchange)

    1. gulp html-watch - watch changes of html files and upload them to the server;

    For Gulp files

    1. gulp watch-gulp - watch on changes of js and json files under gulp folder and upload them to server;

    For Images

    1. gulp img-watch - watch on changes under images folder and upload files to server;

    For Sprite

    1. gulp spriteFlag - to create sprite for flags;

    For Scriban files

    1. gulp watch-scriban - watch changes of scriban files and upload them to the server.
  10. When watcher starts you need to enter you login and password for sitecore, for uploading reason.

Dependencies (39)

Dev Dependencies (2)

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npm i @sitecore/sxa-celt

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  • sitecorecorporation
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