is a client library for APIs presented by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. This library provides functionalities to interact with various geospatial data services.
- Reverse Geocoding: Convert latitude and longitude to an address.
- Search for a location by address: Search for a location by address.
- Geocoding API -
GET https://msearch.gsi.go.jp/address-search/AddressSearch?q=XXXX
- Reverse Geocoding API -
GET https://mreversegeocoder.gsi.go.jp/reverse-geocoder/LonLatToAddress?lat=XXXX&lon=XXXX
To install the library, use npm:
npm install @sk-global/open-reverse-geocoder
Ensure you have Node.js version 18.0.0 or higher.
Import the library in your project and use the provided functions. Here is an example of how to use the openReverseGeocoder function:
import { openReverseGeocoder } from '@sk-global/open-reverse-geocoder';
const lnglat = [139.6917, 35.6895];
const address = await openReverseGeocoder(lnglat);
// Output:
// { code: '13101', city: 'Chiyoda-ku' }
import { openReverseGeocoder } from '@sk-global/open-reverse-geocoder';
async function getAddress() {
const lnglat = [139.6917, 35.6895];
const address = await openReverseGeocoder(lnglat);
// Output:
// { code: '13101', city: 'Chiyoda-ku' }
import { searchAddress } from '@sk-global/open-reverse-geocoder';
async function searchLocation() {
const q = '北海道';
const searchResults = await searchAddress(q);
// Output:
// [
// {
// geometry: { coordinates: [Array], type: 'Point' },
// type: 'Feature',
// properties: { addressCode: '', title: '北海道' }
// },
// ...
// ]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.