
0.1.2 • Public • Published

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SmashDownloaderJS - Download library
powered by the Smash API & SDK

Official JavaScript library to download files uploaded using the Smash API & SDK 🚀

SmashDownloaderJS is a simple and easy-to-use JavaScript library for downloading files uploaded via the Smash API & SDK. With SmashDownloaderJS, you can integrate Smash’s file download functionality directly into your workflows.

Table of Contents


You can install SmashDownloaderJS using npm:

npm install @smash-sdk/downloader


Importing the library

// Using ES6 module
import { SmashDownloader } from '@smash-sdk/downloader';

// Or using CommonJS module
const { SmashDownloader } = require('@smash-sdk/downloader');

Creating an instance

const downloader = new SmashDownloader({
    token: "Your Smash API key here",
    url: 'https://fromsmash.com/transfer-id-example',
    path: "./my_directory/dummy.zip",

The available parameters are:

  • token (required): The access token used to authenticate with the Smash API.
  • path (optional): The output directory for the downloaded file. Defaults to the current working directory.
  • url (optional): The URL of the Smash file you want to download. Should be in the format https://fromsmash.com/{transferId}.
  • transferId (optional): The ID of the Smash transfer containing the file you want to download.
  • fileId (optional): The ID of the Smash file you want to download.
  • stream (optional): A writable stream to pipe the file to instead of saving it to disk.
  • enableOverride (optional): A boolean indicating whether to overwrite an existing file with the same name. Defaults to false.
  • password (optional): The password for the Smash transfer, if it is password-protected.

Simple usage example

import { SmashDownloader } from '@smash-sdk/downloader';
import fs from 'fs';

const downloader = new SmashDownloader({
  token: 'my-access-token',
  url: 'https://fromsmash.com/transfer-id-example',
  // or transferId: 'transfer-id-example' (if you don't want to use the URL)

downloader.download().then((output) => {
  fs.writeFileSync(output.path, output.buffer);
  console.log(`Downloaded ${output.size} bytes to ${output.path}`);

Stream usage example

import { SmashDownloader } from '@smash-sdk/downloader';
import fs from 'fs';

const downloader = new SmashDownloader({
  token: 'my-access-token',
  url: 'https://fromsmash.com/transfer-id-example',

const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('downloaded-file.txt');

downloader.download().then((output) => {
  const readStream = fs.createReadStream(output.path);
  console.log(`Downloaded ${output.size} bytes to stream`);

download(): Promise<DownloaderOutput>

Downloads the file from the Smash transfer and returns a Promise that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • transferId: The ID of the Smash transfer containing the downloaded file.
  • name (optional): The name of the downloaded file.
  • fileId (optional): The ID of the downloaded file.
  • fileName (optional): The name of the downloaded file, including its extension.
  • extension (optional): The extension of the downloaded file.
  • path (optional): The absolute path of the downloaded file.
  • size: The size of the downloaded file, in bytes.
  • availabilityEndDate: The date when the Smash transfer will expire.
  • region: The region where the Smash transfer was created.
  • availabilityDuration: The duration of the Smash transfer, in seconds.
  • filesNumber: The number of files contained in the Smash transfer.
  • created: The date when the Smash transfer was created.
  • availabilityStartDate: The date when the Smash transfer became available.
  • transferUrl: The URL of the Smash transfer.


progress event

import { SmashDownloader } from '@smash-sdk/downloader';

const downloader = new SmashDownloader({
  token: 'my-access-token',
  url: 'https://fromsmash.com/example',

downloader.on('progress', (event) => {
  console.log(`Downloaded ${event.data.downloadedSize} of ${event.data.size} bytes`);

downloader.download().then((output) => {
  console.log(`Downloaded ${output.size} bytes to ${output.path}`);
}).catch((err) => {
  console.error(`Error downloading file: ${err.message}`);

The progress event is emitted while the file is being downloaded, and provides information about the progress of the download. The event object has the following properties:

  • name: The name of the event (progress).
  • data: An object containing information about the download progress. The available properties are:
    • size: The total size of the file being downloaded, in bytes.
    • downloadedSize: The number of bytes that have been downloaded so far.

API Reference

Please refer to the API documentation for more information on the available methods and options.


You can find example usage and integration of SmashDownloaderJS in the examples folder.


Contibutions are welcome! If you'd like to help improving the SmashDownloaderJS, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


SmashDownloaderJS is released under the MIT License.


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