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8.0.0-beta.3 • Public • Published

Svelte Material UI - Button

An interactive button or link.


npm install --save-dev @smui/button

Examples and Usage Information




A button.

Options / Defaults

  • component: href == null ? Button : A - A component to use as the root element.
  • use: [] - An array of Svelte actions and/or arrays of an action and its options.
  • class: '' - A CSS class string.
  • ripple: true - Whether to implement a ripple for when the component is interacted with.
  • color: 'primary' - The button's color. ('primary' or 'secondary')
  • variant: 'text' - The button's style variant. ('text', 'raised', 'unelevated', or 'outlined')
  • touch: false - Increase the touch target.
  • href: undefined - If the href property is set, the button will use an anchor element, instead of a button element.
  • action: 'close' - Used in the context of a dialog. This sets the button's action.
  • default: false - Used in the context of a dialog. This makes the button the default for the dialog.
  • secondary: false - Used in the context of a banner. This makes the button the secondary action for the banner.


A button group.

Options / Defaults

  • use: [] - An array of Svelte actions and/or arrays of an action and its options.
  • class: '' - A CSS class string.
  • variant: 'text' - The button group's style variant. ('text', 'raised', 'unelevated', or 'outlined')


A Svelte action for a group item. Used for containing a button in a group. This can be useful for containing menus along with the button. If you are using this on an element that you are also defining classes on (or a component that defines classes internally), you need to provide addClass and removeClass functions.

Options / Defaults

  • addClass: (className) => node.classList.add(className) - A function to add a class to the element.
  • removeClass: (className) => node.classList.remove(className) - A function to remove a class to the element.


A text label.

See the common label readme.


A graphic icon.

See the common icon readme.

More Information

See Buttons in the Material design spec.

See Button in MDC-Web for information about the upstream library's architecture.

Dependents (13)

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  • hperrin