Alternative to @envelop/response-cache with new features:
- Support for Distributed Redis Locks using RedLock (Opt-in), so your resolvers logic only get's executed once with identical queries
- Support for setting the response cache dynamically
- Leverage cached parsed documents for faster TTL calculation based on customs
. - Idempotent redis
calls (Multiple concurrent calls to redis re-use the same promise)
pnpm add @soundxyz/response-cache
yarn add @soundxyz/response-cache
npm install @soundxyz/response-cache
Peer dependencies
is optional
pnpm add ioredis redlock
yarn add ioredis redlock
npm install ioredis redlock
Most of the configuration is the same as with @envelop/response-cache
import Redis from "ioredis";
import RedLock from "redlock";
export const redis = new Redis();
export const redLock = new RedLock([redis], {});
import {
} from "@soundxyz/response-cache";
import ms from "ms";
import { redis, redLock } from "./redis";
export const responseCache = createRedisCache({
// ioredis instance
// Don't specify or set to `null` to disable
redlock: {
// Client created calling the `redlock` package
client: redLock,
// The default is 5000ms
duration: 5000,
settings: {
// The default is ((duration / retryDelay) * 2)
retryCount: (5000 / 250) * 2,
// The default is 250ms
retryDelay: 250,
const cacheConfig: UseResponseCacheParameter = {
cache: responseCache,
// cache operations for 1 hour by default
ttl: ms("1 hour"),
ttlPerSchemaCoordinate: {
"Query.fooBar": 0,
includeExtensionMetadata: true,
// ...
plugins: [
Dynamic TTL
We have to add the ResponseCache context type in your custom context:
import type { ResponseCacheContext } from "@soundxyz/response-cache";
export interface Context extends ResponseCacheContext {
// ...
Then you can use it directly on your resolvers:
// ...
typeDefs: `
type Query {
hello: String!
resolvers: {
Query: {
hello(_root, _args, context: Context) {
// Get the current expiry to be used for the cache TTL
const expiry = ctx.$responseCache?.getExpiry();
// You can use any logic
if (expiry != null && expiry > 500) {
// Set the expiry to any arbitrary value in milliseconds
// TTL in ms
ttl: 1000,
return "Hello World";