
0.0.7-alpha • Public • Published


🏨 Some simple helpers and components to reduce boilerplate when building themed UIs

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The goal of styled-suite is to provide some simple helpers and low level components for more easily building themed user interfaces in React. These helpers and components are things I commonly find myself writting over and over again in each project I work on so I've attempted to abstract them out for my own sanity and hopefuly you'll find them useful too.

There are a few other projects out there in this space that have inspired styled-suite (namely styled-system and styled-typography) but my reason for adding another one to this space is that I find the existing ones too perscriptive or 'over the top' when I need something simpler and permissive.

styled-suite provides helpers that align with the System UI Theme Specification and are intended to be used alongside another library such as styled-components. It also has two helpful components which provide quick, easy and configurable typography elements.

Getting Started


  • define system ui theme spec for themeprovider
  • use helper in your component's css-in-js to fetch a key
  • extra: change the units of a fetched key
  • extra: modify a fetched key with polished or similar

typography components

  • define styled-suite typography config
  • use typography components


  • [ ] Tests
  • [ ] Gatsby site for docs and component storybook?
  • [ ] Finish readme

Issues and Bugs

If you manage to find any, please report them here so they can be squashed.

Development and Contributing

Grab the repo and then install dependencies with yarn.

# todo


MIT, see the LICENSE file.

Dependents (0)

Package Sidebar


npm i @south-paw/styled-suite

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Last publish


  • south-paw