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Assignment: OOP

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The main goal of this assignment is to implement the project described in section Laying out a table of the 6th chapter of Eloquent JS: The Secret Life of Objects.


  1. Use the GitHub repository given when the assignment was accepted.
  2. Split the classes in different files, exporting the appropriate objects.
  3. Make a branch ecma5 in which classes are defined using ECMA5 syntax. ECMA6 syntax classes will be defined in branch master.
  4. Add tests for each of the classes: UnderlinedCell, TextCell and StretchCell.
  5. Add continuous integration using Travis.
  6. Add a Travis badge to this README.md file, linking to the tests.
  7. Add coverage with Istanbul for the new class.
  8. Give the links to both the GitHub repository and the Travis tests.

StretchCell class

The class StretchCell creates a cell that stretches its height and width to whatever is bigger: the height and width of the content or the height and width explicitly given.

  • The constructor has 3 parameters: content, width, height.
  • Methods implemented:
    • minHeight(): returns the max height value between the one given by the content or the one specified in the constructor.
    • minWidth(): equivalent to minHeight().

Author: Sara Revilla Báez

Reto para la Práctica de OOP

El Contexto. Introducción

La función dataTable en d-table.js es la que parsea el objeto construído a partir de la entrada y decide la clase de celda que se aplica a cada entrada, retornando un array de objetos que son de alguna clase Celda:

<<<<<<< HEAD

  dataTable(data) {
    var keys = Object.keys(data[0]);
    var headers = keys.map(function(name) {
      return new UnderlinedCell(name);
    var body = data.map(function(row) {
      return keys.map(function(name) {
        var value = row[name];

        if (/^\s*[-+]?\d+([.]\d*)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?\s*$/.test(value))
          return new RCell(String(value));
          return new TCell(String(value));
    return [headers].concat(body);
## StretchCell class
The class `StretchCell` creates a cell that stretches its height and width to whatever is bigger: the height and width of the content or the height and width explicitly given.

- The constructor has 3 parameters: content, width, height.
- Methods implemented:
  - _minHeight()_: returns the max height value between the one given by the content or the one specified in the constructor.
  - _minWidth()_: equivalent to `minHeight()`.

#### Files:

package.json - configuration and dependencies

gulpfile.js - test: run mocha tests - debugger: run the debbugger - run: run the program

src - source folder input.json - input file main.js - main program Cell.js - class cell RCell.js - class rcell UnderlinedCell.js - class underlinedcell Table.js - class table

test - mocha test test.js


* Los nombres de los atributos del objeto son tratados como objetos de la clase `UnderlinedCell`:

    var headers = keys.map(function(name) {
      return new UnderlinedCell(name);
  • Si parece que el contenido es un número, es tratado como una RCell

            if (/^\s*[-+]?\d+([.]\d*)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?\s*$/.test(value))
              return new RCell(String(value));
  • Si no, es tratado como una TCell:

              return new TCell(String(value));


Modifique dataTable para que aquellas celdas en las que el valor es un objeto en vez de una String o un Number se interpreten como del tipo specificado en el atributo type

Sigue un ejemplo de entrada:

  {"name": {"type": "StrechCell", params: ["Teide", 2, 6]}, "height": 3718, "country": "Spain"},
  {"name": "Kilimanjaro\nMontaña mágica", "height": 5895, "country": "Tanzania"},
  {"name": "Everest", "height": 8848, "country": "Nepal\nPaís lejano"},
  {"name": {"type": "StrechCell", params: ["Mount Fuji", 2]}, "height": 3776, "country": "Japan"},
  {"name": "Mont Blanc", "height": {"type": "TCell", params: [4808]}, "country": "Italy/France"},
  {"name": "Vaalserberg", "height": 323, "country": "Netherlands"},
  {"name": "Denali", "height": 6168, "country": "United States"},
  {"name": "Popocatepetl", "height": 5465, "country": "Mexico"}

El atributo type tiene el nombre de la clase de la celda y el atributo params la lista de parámetros que se pasaran al constructor de la clase.


  • Documentación del método apply: El método apply() invoca una determinada función asignando explícitamente el objeto this y un array o similar (array like object) como parámetros (argumentos) para dicha función.

  • Este es un ejemplo de mapa que asocia nombres de clases con constructores;

    [~/ull-pl1718-campus-virtual/tema1-intro-a-js/practica-oop/OOP/src(reto2)]$ node
    > DTable = require("d-table")
    > TCell = require("t-cell")
    > RCell = require("r-cell")
    > Classes = new Map()
    > Classes["TCell"] = TCell
    > Classes["RCell"] = RCell
    > w = "RCell"
    > x = new (Classes[w])("Chinyero")
    RCell { text: [ 'Chinyero' ] }
  • En ECMA6 el método constructor nos devuelve el constructor, el cual tiene un atributo name:

    > "hello".constructor.name
    > (432).constructor.name
    > ({c:4,w:2,h:3}).constructor.name
  • RegExp test

  • Array concat

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