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πŸŽ‰ React Party

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Discord-inspired canvas confetti effect for React. See a demo.



yarn add @stevent-team/react-party


Spread the canvasProps returned from the hook into a html canvas element. This includes styles to position the canvas over the whole screen.

import { useConfetti } from '@stevent-team/react-party'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { createConfetti, canvasProps } = useConfetti()

  return <>
    <canvas {...canvasProps} />
    <button onClick={createConfetti}>Click Me!</button>


Custom options

Customise the behaviour of the confetti by passing options to useConfetti.

import { useConfetti } from '@stevent-team/react-party'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { createConfetti, canvasProps } = useConfetti({
    // Control the distribution of shapes
    shapeWeights: {
      triangle: 2,
      circle: 2,
      square: 3,
      star: 1,

    // Speed up the movement
    speed: 1.2,

    // Decrease gravity,
    gravity: 6,

    // Use your own colors #vampireconfetti
    colors: [

  return <>
    <canvas {...canvasProps} />
    <button onClick={createConfetti}>Click Me!</button>

Change the source

You can pass a sourceRef to createConfetti() to customise where the confetti appears from.

import { useConfetti } from '@stevent-team/react-party'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const holeRef = useRef()
  const { createConfetti, canvasProps } = useConfetti()

  return <>
    <canvas {...canvasProps} />
    <AHoleInTheWall ref={holeRef}>
    <button onClick={() => createConfetti({ sourceRef: holeRef })}>Click Me!</button>

Use custom canvas styles

The canvasProps object contains ref and style. The ref is required to render confetti, but you can either use your own styles and just pass the ref, or override the styles like below:

import { useConfetti } from '@stevent-team/react-party'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { createConfetti, canvasProps } = useConfetti()

  return <>
    <canvas {...canvasProps} style={{ ...canvasProps.style, backgroundColor: 'black' }} />
    <button onClick={createConfetti}>Click Me!</button>

Use images for confetti

React Party supports custom particle drawing functions, including images.

import { useRef } from 'react'
import { useConfetti, loadImage, drawImageParticle } from '@stevent-team/react-party'

const MyComponent = () => {
  // Use a react ref to store the image
  const imageRef = useRef()
  useEffect(() => {
      .then(img => imageRef.current = img)
  }, [])

  const { createConfetti, canvasProps } = useConfetti({
    // Set up a custom image particle
    shapeFunctions: {
      myCustomImage: drawImageParticle(imageRef.current),

    // Tell the library to only use your custom particle function
    shapeWeights: {
      myCustomImage: 1,

    // Stop the confetti from rotating or flipping
    twirl: 0,
    initialAngle: 0,
    angleIncrement: 0,
    initialFlip: 0,
    flipIncrement: 0,

  return <>
    <canvas {...canvasProps} />
    <button onClick={createConfetti}>Click Me!</button>


useConfetti options

Property Type Default Description
gravity Number 9.8 A number representing the gravity applied to each particle. Controls vertical acceleration.
wind Number 0 A number between -1 and 1 that applies wind to each particle. Controls horizontal acceleration.
speed Number 1 The speed of the simulation.
killDistance Number 100 The number of pixels past the edges of the canvas that particles will be deleted.
count Number 75 The amount of particles that will be spawned on each call to createConfetti.
duration Number 0 Distributes confetti over this many milliseconds on each call to createConfetti.
initialVelocity Vector [0, -3] A vector representing the initial x and y velocity of each particle.
initialVelocitySpread Vector [5, 7] A vector representing an x and y velocity spread that's applied to the initialVelocity values to randomise the spread of confetti.
diameter Range or number [10, 30] Minimum and maximum values for the diameter of each particle in pixels. Set to a number to use the same value for every particle.
twirl Range or number [0, 0.2] Minimum and maximum values for the twirl of each particle between 0 and 1. Offsets the centerpoint of each particle. Set to a number to use the same value for every particle.
initialAngle Range or number [0, 360] Minimum and maximum values for the initial angle of each particle in degrees. Set to a number to use the same value for every particle.
angleIncrement Range or number [-10, 10] Minimum and maximum values for the angle increment every frame of each particle in degrees. Set to a number to use the same value for every particle.
initialFlip Range or number [0, 360] Minimum and maximum values for the initial flip of each particle in degrees. Set to a number to use the same value for every particle.
flipIncrement Range or number [-10, 10] Minimum and maximum values for the flip increment every frame of each particle in degrees. Set to a number to use the same value for every particle.
rotationVelocityCoefficient Number 0.8 A number that is multiplied with the velocity of the particle to adjust the flip each frame. Essentially causes a particle to flip faster if its velocity is higher. Set to 0 to disable.
colors String[] DEFAULT_COLORS An array of CSS colors.
shapeFunctions Record<string, function> DEFAULT_SHAPE_FUNCTIONS An object of functions for each shape that is used to draw them. See below for more details.
shapeWeights Record<string, number> { triangle: 1, circle: 1, star: 1, square: 1 } An object mapping shapes to their weights. A higher weight will cause that shape to appear more often. All keys in this array must also appear in shapeFunctions object.

createConfetti options

Property Type Default Description
count Number 75 The amount of particles that will be spawned. Overrides the count property in the options passed to useConfetti.
duration Number 0 Distributes confetti over this many milliseconds. Overrides the duration property in the options passed to useConfetti.
sourceRef React ref Pass in a ref to use as the source of the confetti. By default, document.activeElement will be used if this isn't set.

Default shape functions

The following shapes are provided by default:

  • line
  • circle
  • triangle
  • square
  • pentagon
  • hexagon
  • heptagon
  • octagon
  • diamond
  • star
  • hexagram

You can define your own functions inside the shapeFunctions option. Spread in the default shapes that are exported if you'd simply like to add a function without removing the defaults.

Each function receives an object with p and ctx as parameters, and you can use these to render a custom shape.

import { DEFAULT_SHAPE_FUNCTIONS } from '@stevent-team/react-party'

const shapeFunctions = {
  myCustomShape: ({ p, ctx }) => {
    // Draw a square
    ctx.fillStyle = p.color
      -p.diameter * p.twirl, -p.diameter * p.twirl,
      p.diameter, p.diameter,

Check out drawing.js to see the currently implemented particle drawing functions, which are also exported from this library.


To test the components in this library, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repo onto your machine
  2. Run yarn to install dependencies
  3. Run yarn dev to start the sample project

Build the library to dist using yarn build. You can build the sample project using yarn build:sample.


Issue contributions and PRs are greatly welcomed and appreciated!


@stevent-team/react-party is licensed under MIT

Created with love by the Stevent Team πŸ’™


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