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0.6.4 • Public • Published

This addon no longer maintained and considered as deprecated in favor of Storybook native nesting. Nevertheless, if you're interested to continue to maintain this project get in touch with me, please.

📖 @storybook/addon-chapters

npm version Live demo

This addon for React Storybook adds unlimited levels of nesting for stories.



yarn add @storybook/addon-chapters --dev
// .storybook/config.js:

import '@storybook/addon-chapters';

import '@storybook/addon-chapters/register';
// stories.js:

storiesOf('React App', module)
    .addChapter('Atoms', chapter => chapter
        .add('Atom 1', render(1))
        .add('Atom 2', render(2))
        .addChapter('Molecules', chapter => chapter
            .addChapter('Organisms', chapter => chapter
                .add('Organism 1', render(7))
                .add('Organism 2', render(8)),
            .add('Molecule 1', render(1))
            .add('Molecule 2', render(2)),
        .add('Atom 3', render(3))
        .add('Atom 4', render(4)),
    .add('new API docs', render(3))
    .add('prev API docs', render(4));


  • The hierarchical structure of Substories
  • Hide/show your stories with enable/disable and buid your own navigation
  • Compatible with Knobs, addWithInfo and other addons
  • Use storyDecorator to wrap all chapters
  • Support query params of the address string to select (sub)chapter (same behavior as storybook holds current storyKind when you reload the page)
  • jumping between chapters
  • Storybook 3.0 compatible




Lets add 'chapters' to Storybook Boilerplate:

git clone
cd storybook-chapters/example/basic
yarn start

Choose your side with Enable / Disable API


git clone
cd storybook-chapters/example/enable
yarn start



There are two possible API to add chapters. You can use one of them or make any combination of them. You can access chapters features as storiesOf('Kind Name', module).chapter('Chapter Name') or storiesOf('Kind Name', module).addChapter('Chapter Name', chapter => add(chapter))

Here's the list of available API:

.chapter / .addChapter / .endOfChapter

Use this API to organize your story hierarchy

📎 .addChapter(ChapterName, chapterProcessingFn)

.addChapter('ChapterName', chapter => chapter) adds ChapterName subchapter to the root of storiesOf or to the current chapter and invokes function passed as second argument. This function provide same API as storiesOf (including third-party addons) with the difference that everything you add here will be applyed to this current chapter. E.g. chapter => chapter.add() to add stories to this chapter and chapter => chapter.addChapter() to add subchapters.


storiesOf('addChapter API', module)
    .addChapter('Atoms', chapter => chapter
        .add('Atom 1', render(1))
        .add('Atom 2', render(2))
        .addChapter('Molecules', chapter => chapter
            .addWithInfo('Molecule 1', render(1))
            .addWithInfo('Molecule 2', render(2)),

Note how we use .addWithInfo to add stories to .chapter('Molecules')

📎 .chapter(ChapterName)

.chapter(ChapterName) adds ChapterName subchapter to the root of storiesOf or to the current chapter. You can use any other API (going with storybook-chapter or any other third-party addon) after this and it will apply to this current chapter. E.g. .add() to add stories to this chapter and .chapter() to add subchapters. Use .endOfChapter() to shift back to the parent or root chapter.


storiesOf('.chapter API', module)
    .chapter('Bottom Panel')
        .add('Input 3', () => <span>[3]: {text('[3]', '33')}</span>)
        .add('Input 4', () => <span>[4]: {text('[4]', '44')}</span>)
    .chapter('Header Panel')
        .addWithInfo('Input 5', render(5))
        .addWithInfo('Input 6', render(6), { inline: true })

Note how we use .addWithInfo to add stories to .chapter('Header Panel')

📎 .endOfChapter()

.endOfChapter() jumps to the parent chapter created by .chapter API. Don't need to use it with .addChapter API.

chapters UI ❗️❗️❗️

When you add chapter to your storiesOf or to another chaper it will be shown in the left panel in square brackets e.g. [subchapter], so you can always distinguish subchapters from normal stories. If you click to this [subchapter] it'll redirect you to this chapter automatically and show the TOC of this chapter (the first story of any chapter). Below this TOC you'll find the item for jumping back to the parent level. demo

Such UI is a workaround until Storybook provides better API for customizing left panel.


📎 .add(name, story) add stories to the current chapter

{ jumpTo } / .bookmark

Linking to other stories ( linkTo analog for chapters )

📎 jumpTo(chapter, story)

Jumps to the story of chapter. Use is instead of linkTo from @storybook/addon-links. You need to require it from @storybook/addon-chapters.


import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { jumpTo } from '@storybook/addon-chapters';

storiesOf('.chapter API', module)
    .chapter('Bottom Panel')
        .add('Input 3', () => <button onClick={jumpTo('Bottom Panel', 'Input 4')}>)
        .add('Input 4', () => <button onClick={jumpTo('Header Panel', 'Input 5')}>)
    .chapter('Header Panel')
        .addWithInfo('Input 5', render(5))
        .addWithInfo('Input 6', render(6), { inline: true })


Note that we don't need to register jumpTo in addons.js

📎 .bookmark(jumpToFn => {})

Another way to organize linking between stories. Simply add bookmark to the story/chapter and use it to jump when you need. It provide jumpToFn() function for that. It's possible to add bookmarks to both stories and chapters.


import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';

const bookmarks = {};

storiesOf('Bookmarks API', module)
    .addChapter('Atoms', chapter => chapter
        .bookmark((bm) => { bookmarks.Atoms = bm; })
        .add('Atom 1', fn(1))
        .bookmark((bm) => { bookmarks.Atom1 = bm; })
        .add('Atom 2', fn(2))
        .add('LinkTo 1', () => (<button onClick={bookmarks.Atom1}> Go to Atom 1 </button>))
        .add('LinkTo 2', () => (<button onClick={bookmarks.Atoms}> Go to Atoms </button>))


📎 .bookmarkList()

Displays all bookmarks of the current chapter and subchapters.


import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';

const bookmarks = {};

storiesOf('Bookmarks API', module)
    .addChapter('Atoms', chapter => chapter
        .add('Atom 1', fn(1))
        .add('Atom 2', fn(2))



📎 .storyDecorator(decorator) adds decorators to whole storiesOf (including subchapters). Enables "chapters". You can put it in any place of chapters tree, result will be the same.

.disable / .enable

📎 .disable(enableFn => {}) - temporarily hides current storiesOf. enableFn() - function to hide/show these stories:

enableFn(true)  // to show this stories
enableFn(false) // to hide this stories


It enables "chapters"

📎 .enable(enableFn => {}) - don't hide current storiesOf but provides function enableFn() to control visibility of these stories. Enables "chapters"

You can use enable/disable to build custom navigation with your preferred logic. For example, you can use enableFn() in another stories, decorators or addon panels

mixing .addChapter and .chapter.

It's possible to use any combination of this API.


storiesOf('Mixed API', module)
    .addChapter('Atoms new', chapter => chapter
        .add('Atom 1', fn(1))
        .add('Atom 2', fn(2))
        .addChapter('Molecules new', chapter => chapter
            .chapter('Cells old')
                .add('Cell 1', fn(1))
                .add('Cell 2', fn(2))
                .addChapter('Organisms new in old', chapter => chapter
                    .add('Organism 1', fn(1))
                    .add('Organism 2', fn(2)),
            .add('Molecule 1', fn(1))
            .add('Molecule 2', fn(2)),
        .add('Atom 3', fn(3))
        .add('Atom 4', fn(4)),
    .add('new API docs', fn(3))
    .add('prev API docs', fn(4));



enabling chapters

To enable chapters you need to apply one of privided API first:

// right:
storiesOf('React App1', module)
  .addChapter('Left panel', chapter => 
    chapter.add('item1', render())

storiesOf('React App2', module)
  .chapter('Left panel')
    .add('item1', render());

storiesOf('React App3', module)
  .add('item1', render());

// wrong:
storiesOf('React App', module)
  .add('item1', render())
  .chapter('Left panel');

Query string

Storybook-Chapters use the same query params to set current storiKind/story as Storybook. It means that you can reload page and don't lose current chapter. Or you can share the link of your chapter/story to point to exact place of your story.



  • Page spreads API (all stories and subchapters on the one page. Could be useful for creating styleguides). Same as chapter will be two API: .spread() and .addSpread():


storiesOf('Mixed API', module)
    .addChapter('Atoms new', chapter => chapter
        .add('Atom 1', fn(1))
        .add('Atom 2', fn(2))
        .addSpread('Molecules new', chapter => chapter
            .chapter('Cells old')
                .add('Cell 1', fn(1))
                .add('Cell 2', fn(2))
                .addChapter('Organisms new in old', chapter => chapter
                    .add('Organism 1', fn(1))
                    .add('Organism 2', fn(2)),
            .add('Molecule 1', fn(1))
            .add('Molecule 2', fn(2)),
        .add('Atom 3', fn(3))
        .add('Atom 4', fn(4)),
    .add('new API docs', fn(3))
    .add('prev API docs', fn(4));

It could be putted in any place of hierarchy. All chapters and stories added to spread will be shown in one page. Chapters and subchapters will be transformed to sections and subsections in that case.

  • Summary API (autogenerated page spread for the current chapter)

  • Chapter decorators (decorate only the current chapter with subchapters)

  • Custom TOC UI (apply custom page to the chapter [.] story instead of the default one)

  • Custom bookmarkList UI (apply custom page to the bookmarkList instead of the default one)

  • wrap (decorate stories with addons like .addWithSmth)

  • API to set custom bages for ℹ️, ⤴️ and 🔖

  • Better chapters navigation UI on the left panel. We need storybook API improvement for that. Then we can stop using workaround solution with ℹ️, ⤴️ signs and offer something more convenient and customizible.


@storybook/addon-chapters has a big progress and works stable with the current Storybook version (v3). But Storybook is developing rapidly and API could be changed. We do our best to support this addon viable and compatible with the latest versions of Storybook. Reporting an issue as soon as it is detected - an excellent opportunity to help us in the development of this addon and quickly restore its performance


  • git clone this repo

  • yarn to install dependencies

  • yarn start storybook and open http://localhost:9001/

  • see comments in src files:

-- src/chapters/addon.js for addons API functions

-- src/chapters/navigate.js for navigation functions

-- src/chapters/store.js for data storage organization

  • see stories/index.js for development

Related projects

storybook-filepath-chapters by @hadfieldn - React Storybook loader that uses storybook-chapters to create hierarchical navigation that mirrors the filesystem


Big thanks to Norbert de Langen for the idea of .addChapter API

We'd be happy to receive feedback from this project. Any issue or PR will be very appreciated!

Created with ❤︎ to React and React Storybook by @UsulPro and React Theming.

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